
Relevancy of snowboarding to surfing?

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i snowboard all winter and would really like to get into surfing. Just was wondering if there's any similarities or if the two were totally different. any starter hints would be great too.




  1. I pretty much agree with everyone saying that they may be similar in that they are board sports but that weight distribution is different with the following big exception:  If you have snowboarded in powder and have had to shift your weight back to your rear foot it is a very similar feeling to surfing.  

    If you take it up; it takes a lot more work to learn to surf than to snow board but don't give up, it's worth it.

  2. Totally different! If you can skateboard, then you have a much better chance at snowboarding (apparently) - similar stance and balance, tricks etc, but surfing is so different.  You stand different, balance is different - but! Both are so fun, and surfing is a great way to spend time.  Get into asap!

  3. The only similarities are that they are both board sports requiring good balance and agility.

    With a surfboard you have more freedom of movement - the board is wider and longer, your feet are positioned differently, and you can move around on your board.

    Right now, the basics are being covered in a really nice podcast series called Learn to Surf. The series is being presented by two professional surfers:

    You can locate surf shops in your area that may offer lessons.

  4. Snowboarding and Surfing are very similiar in that in both sports you stand sideways while moving forward. I remember learning to snowboard, I had been surfing for a long time beforehand, and it was much, much easier than it was for a friend who does'nt surf. I think your main advantage will not neccesarily be the physical learning to do it part, but people who are stoked on snowboarding will carry over that stoke into the water. That stoke is what gets you back in the lineup after headbutting your board, or getting washed around a couple times. You should note that the hardes parts of learning to surf is not acually standing up on a wave (which really is'nt that hard), but the other aspects of surfing that allows you to get to the waves. By this I mean duckdiving, getting paddle fit, learning to judge waves, learning to get out the way of surfers (this is your main source of injuries :-(  ). I remember being able to surf but not knowing how to duckdive properly and not being able to get to the back of the lineup..

    Good luck, and really give it a good go. Snowboarding is the only sport that comes close to giving the ammount of stoke as surfing does... I think surfing is slightly more fun though, the feeling you get when sitting deep in the ocean with just a couple of buddies there and watching walls of swell approaching is simply awesome... Plus having dolphins swim around you (they are very abundant in South Africa) and under you is magical...

  5. snowboarding is different than surfing. I personally do both. When I first tried snowboarding you turn with your back foot but with surfing you turn with your front foot.

  6. my friend its about balance and control, i personally have never been snowboarding but in surfing you use your front foot to control you. hope this helps nicole:)

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