
Religion and Environment?

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I spent some time is the Religion section of YA and came across some disturbing comments.

Some religions teach that Global warming does not exist, that the world will end when God wills it, that being "green" is "science" and frowned on.

Considering the amount of religious people in the world does it not scare you to hear that some are so ignorant? The pressure we are putting on our Earth is undeniable. What can we do to teach and promote green living???




  1. Well, I know that I have gotten my church to collect cans for recycling.  Not everyone participates, but still.  I agree with the person above me.  I thought we were here to also take of Earth.

  2. The religions that teach that global warming doesn't exist are very close to the mark in my opinion.  But here you'll find all kinds of people, those who agree, those who don't and some who are stuck in the middle.  We're not here to debate the effects of man on the earth other than for global warming purposes.  Lots of skeptics live a green life I imagine.  I do, to a point.  Nobody wants pollution, huge garbage dumps or unclean air.  We'd all like to see newer and cheaper energy sources too, I assume.

    But global warming is a very grey area.  There is little tangible evidence to support it, and misinformation and corruption are rampant in promoting it.  Almost all of the data that's been put forth is questionable, but...and they've said it themselves, there can be no debate!  Oh, really?  Welcome to our little room here, haha!

    There are just some people...and count me in...who don't like scare tactics shoved down their throats that are unproven, suspicious, mysterious and extremely costly.

  3. Man has the unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true, rather than what the evidence shows to be likely.  In the face of mountains of evidence, man will pin his hopes on the slimmest of doubts.  God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he does.

    People shun responsibility, by denying Global warming they can deny their personal responsibility in destroying the world around them.

  4. i think that's not the norm.

    i think that the subgroup of people here on y/a is not representative.

    at least i sure hope so.

    there are many religious folks that do care, and do think it's appropriate to address problems.

    i think that in the US, there is a slightly higher proportion of fundamentalist folks that can be, and are, manipulated.


    i doubt that all fundamentalist folks are of that ilk.

  5. I was raised very religiously, and still recycle, ride my bike wherever possible, try to be as easy on the world around me, am vegan for health, environmental, and animal cruelty reasons... and cannot stand religious people who laugh at my activism, because of one thing. And here's the one thing about the earth that nobody who believes the bible can argue with.

    Stewardship. Earth was put into our care. We are to care for it. If we're doing a rotten job, how is that proving our responsibility, our worthiness? For "those who are faithful in little are faithful in much".

    And sure, maybe only God knows when the earth will end, but it's up to us how miserable we want it to be in the end- how much cancer, heart disease, drought, famine, AIDS, war, pollution, bizzarre weather patterns, starvation...

  6. This planet is without a doubt in trouble. We as stewards of this planet need to do everything possible to try and fix or at least slow down what we can. Science is real, it's not going away and certain people have to deal with it. I thought religious people thought of the earth as the garden God had given them. Well I would suspect God is mighty angry about the way it's being tended. As for the world ending, only God knows the time, end of that. Now the good stuff...Go green,

    recycle, try driving for errands in one trip to save on gas. Turn up the A/C and turn down the furnace. Change out the light bulbs. Take quick showers, don't let water run when brushing your teeth. These are all ways to conserve and help the planet. Earth is all we have and I guess we are the ones that will have to try and change it. I would guess to promote green living we are going to have to lead by example. These things people are doing now I've done for years so it's not so hard on me and once you change it makes life less expensive,plus you will be doing your part to help. Go to websites that have great ideas on other ways to go green. Remember, we are all in this together.

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