
Religion and a destructive and despotic relationship between humans and the rest of nature?

by Guest32954  |  earlier

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This is a possible essay topic for my environmental ethics module. I would appreciate all answers to stick with the topic. Also I would appreciate your background of religion, or experience in this matter so I can best understand your point of view or also any references that have influenced your opinion. Thanks ahead for your thoughts. (This question will also be posted in other categories).




  1. Ethics are subjective. An appreciation and respect for the environment, life, nature, is different than the typical tree-hugger "save the planet" outlook.

    It depends a bit on the religion. Abrahamitic religions are of special concern. The divine creator made the entire universe for you, it was all built with you in mind, you are loved and the universe is yours to use. That creates a strong sense of self-righteousness. Why should anyone care about the world around them when they are the most important being? Religion preaches that humans are above all other life. Religion gives us a superiority complex. And we see it with how we treat each other with competition between faiths, houses of worship, and war. Take a newborn infant for example. Would a sane person look at that amazing new life and its beauty, and then decide to start cutting its genitals? No. Unless they have permission or mandate from the divine. Then we should not expect the religious to have a respect for life.

    Some religious do have a respect for nature. Although they still believe they reign over it, they believe in protecting it to insure it will be healthy in the future. But all too often they do their good deeds out of promise of reward and fear of punishment. That makes their ethic superficial.

    As an atheist I'm able to realize that I'm just an animal, that happens to have knowledge of language and technology. I am not greater or more important than other living things. I am a predator, and prey. If humans did not have their technology we'd be far more aware of our place in natural selection. And with technology we've learned how intricately connected we are to all life. Life on Earth has a model, DNA, and all life shares almost identical DNA. We've learned that other creatures have brains with greater computing power.

    Without religion one's good deeds are done out of true respect and the immediate joy in knowing they've done the right thing. The joy comes from knowing they would appreciate that behavior from another.

  2. I think religion is almost unnecessary :P it makes people die, makes wonderful countries fall to ashes, and friends get cross with each other...but it also helps people get out of depression, and stuff like that. I don't really know what this question is about but i almost like the pagan religion or watever cuz like they had such a wonderful connection to the earth and the world

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