
Religion and step kids?

by  |  earlier

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currently, my man is going through a custody battle to get more time with his kids... his ex mother in law is a minister, and the kids go to a catholic elementary school, bible camp, and church each sunday they are with their mother... now, dont get me wrong, i have absolutely no issues whatsoever with any of this.. i just dont happen to be a practicing catholic and dont believe i need to be in order to have a close personal relationship with god.. in fact, i teeter between protestantism and catholicism... i call myself a cafeteria catholic, picking and choosing what to believe... anyway, a few sundays ago, my mans 7 year old asked me if i went to church that morning... i said, no, she asked why? thankfully, she got distracted and i avoided the question... but, i dont know what i would say to a child who i am trying to set an example for, but i am not her parent and do not want to steer her in any direction other than the one she is on, as it is not my place... my man doesnt go to church either, and he does not take the kids when he has them on the weekends, but i guess he has never been faced with that question.. on top of it, i wouldnt want to be in the way of anything having to do with his gaining more custody, such as their mother not wanting the kids around me due to my satanistic religious beliefs ( BIG LOL)! but you know what i mean... what can i say that will neither chastize what she's learning, nor make me out to be a bad guy if the question ever coms up again?




  1. there are no ministers in the catholic clergy.

  2. Well, Talk it over with your man about how he wants you to handle it.  A simple answer would be to take from the bible.  "Where 3 or more are gathered to worship, God is there." I know that isnt a direct quote but you get the idea. Then quickly change the subject.. so you kinda answered the question without really answering the question, lol.

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