
Religion in the Military...Would General George Washingtonon approve of this?

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I am a member of the United States Air Force and I am disappointed with the Chapel services provided. It seems they are more concerned with "being politically correct" and not concerned with providing true services honoring the Lord Jesus Christ. They offer Catholic, Protestant General, Lutheran, Episcopal, Mormon, Pentecostal, Wicca, Buddhist, Jewish, and YES Muslim services and they are all in the same facility. WOW! Would General George Washington have approved of such a thing in his Continental Army?




  1. It has nothing to do with being politically correct.  The purpose of the Chapel services it to address the spiritual needs of ALL military personel, not with specifically honoring Jesus.

    Welcome to America.  

    Considering that Washington was a Deist, the men under him attended all sorts of religious services that he didn't personally agree with!

    Religious freedom was one of the central points to the war that Washington fought.  So yes, I think Washington would have approved.  He never struck me as much of a hypocrite.

  2. Uhhh, what's the problem here?  Last time I checked, Washington was one of the ones that helped draft the Bill of Rights which includes religious freedom...

  3. If it won the war, I think he would.

  4. As I recall, wasn't George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc. all Deists?

    I think they'd be more worried about stabilizing the country than what people believe in. Besides, ever of Freedom of Religion? It's part of the first amendment.

  5. probably because freedom of religion is for all not just one section or not just for christians.

  6. Who cares?  He's DEAD.

    Stop being such a bigot - not everybody has to believe what you do.

  7. Dude, I'm in the military myself, and you need to realize this.  The chapel services have to cater to all recognized religions.  Not so much for any legal reasons, but defiantly for the welfare of the soldiers, even if its a religion that us christians know to be false.

  8. I don't think the true service is in the building it is in, it is just a building.  I think it's more about who it is doing the "serving".  for instance, I have recently come back from a trip to the Point Mugu/ Point Hueneme (sp) area.  I am Catholic, so I went to the base chapel for Mass on a Sunday.  Lo and behold it was not much like I am used to seeing in my home parish.  Then to top it off, the priest is an Anglican convert, so he's married and actually kinda rude with the Eucharist, skips part of the consecration, and can't even recite the Creed.  VERY disappointing and not spiritually fed that day.  But not because of the building, but because of the clergy that was provided.

    I hope you have other choices outside of base if you are not feeling spiritually filled.

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