
Religion is a cult based on fear.?

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  1. No , go learn more about different religions.

  2. Religion has always been a tool used to intimidate and make fearful the sheep. That's what it's for.

    Funny the relationship with science.

    Consider ancient Egypt. The priests had a magic trick they could do. They would go into a temple, that was miles from the river, and the second the river started to flood, they would come out and announce a flood. People would run down to the river, and behold: it was flooding!

    How did the priests do that? They said they had a pool full of water, and in it they could see through the eyes of the

    river god or some such c**p. What they really had was a pool connected by hidden plumbing to the river.

    It was science 101. But to the rest of the Egyptians, it was magic. And it gave the priests power and made the people properly afraid and respectful.

    In the light of this,  it is no wonder so many religious people are down on science. When you look at the history of religion, science was always used, disguised as magic to

    give the priests assumed powers. Too much public knowledge of science represents robbing their powers.

  3. I think so to

  4. Humans are motivated to do a lot of things because of fear. It's the primary motivator.

    Religions do try to answer the questions that result from our fears, but they also exist for other reasons. Religion helps people to develop a sense of society, allowing them to feel that they have a place somewhere. Religions help you to create a sense of identity. So does Nationalism. Try to imagine the idea of you without your religion, without your national identity. How do you know who you are, what your are supposed to do? It's a very frightening place to be.

  5. fear AND greed.

    Fear of condemnation/punishment

    Greed of eternal comfort/immortality.

    who will ever worship a rock that can't do anything for you nor punish you if you don't follow it (therefore no religion tells people to worship rocks or grasses and the likes).

    When it comes to motivating a human being; you either scare the cr@p out of him/her or you can bride/entice(any incentive will do) him/her.

    Your greatest fear and desire always win (forgot who said it)

  6. The Christian religion is based on the unconditional love or grace of God alone.

  7. So is academic circles.

  8. If you are referring to Christianity, Jesus came to earth to deliver from bondage, including fear. He gives power, love and a sound mind to those who believe on and obey Him. He is not interested in religion, but a relationship. There's a difference. One can believe in something but not identify with it personally.

    Unfortunately, some Christians use the h**l-bound threats to try to scare people into becoming believers. That's the wrong approach and turns people off. Therefore it's important to establish the right relationship with God yourself by believing on Jesus Christ, turning away from evil, and living according to God's ways. As one does this, He gives more understanding, wisdom, and knowledge, and the power to become more like Him.

  9. I think Greek and Roman religion was based on fear.

    And the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and stuff. But...the lasting ones are the ones that are not based on fear...

  10. partially and it depends on which religion youre talking about, I think most of us are familiar with Christianity, so it would seem like if you are just afraid of going to h**l, then you are definitely in it based on fear.  I would hazard a guess that some people are also doing it to get into heaven, which is a different motivation than fear.  I feel like most friends and family here are pretty secular so I'm not sure if cult is the right word.

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