
Religion of AzteCs..?

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heello! anybody knows the religion of Aztecs? tnx.




  1. Large parts of the Aztec pantheon were inherited from previous Mesoamerican civilizations and others, such as Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, were venerated by different names in most cultures throughout the history of Mesoamerica. For the Aztecs especially important deities were Tlaloc the god of rain, Huitzilopochtli Patron god of the Mexica tribe, Quetzalcoatl culture hero and god of civilization and order, and Tezcatlipoca god of destiny and fortune, connected with war and sorcery. Each of these gods had their own temples within the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan - Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli were both worshipped at the Templo Mayor. A common Aztec religious practice was the recreation of the divine: Mythological events would be ritually recreated and living persons would impersonate specific deities and be revered as a god - and often ritually sacrificed.

    H. B. Nicholson (1971) classed the gods into three groups according to their conceptual meaning in general Mesoamerican religion. The first groups he calls the "Celestial creativity - Divine Paternalism group", and it contains such gods as the creator couple Ometeotl and Omecihuatl, Tezcatlipoca and Xiuhtecutli. The second one is the Rain-Moisture-Agricultural fertility complex coatining gods like Tlaloc, Centeotl, the earthmother gods, the Pulque gods and Xipe Totec. The third group, the War-Sacrifice-Sanguinary Nourishment group contained such gods as Ome Tochtli, Huitzilopochtli, Mictlantecutli and Mixcoatl. Instead of Nicholsons subtle classification in the following a more impressionist classification is presented.

    Tezcatlipoca depicted in the Codex Borgia.Cultural Gods

    Tezcatlipoca - means "Smoking Mirror", a panmesoamerican shaman God, omnipotent universal power.

    Quetzalcoatl - means "Feathered Serpent", a panmesoamerican god of life, the wind and the morningstar

    Tlaloc - a panmesoamerican god of rain, storm, water and thunder

    Mixcoatl - means "Cloud Serpent", the tribal God of many of the Nahua people such as the Tlaxcalteca, god of war, sacrifice and hunting

    Huitzilopochtli - means "Hummingbird Left", the tribal God of the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, god of war and sacrifice

    Nature gods

    Tonatiuh - The Sun

    Metztli - The Moon

    Tlaltecuhtli - means "Earth Lord", Goddess of the Earth

    Chalchiuhtlicue - means "Jade Her Skirt", Goddess of springs

    Centzon Huitznahua - means "The 400 Southerners", Gods of the stars

    Ehecatl the Wind, often conflated with Quetzalcoatl and called "Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl"

    Xipe Totec "Our flayed lord" wearing a human skin depicted in the Codex Borgia.Gods of creation

    Ometeotl/Ometecutli/Omecihuatl/Tonacat... - The doublegendered creator god

    Huehueteotl/Xiuhtecutli - means "Old God" and "Turquoise Lord", god of origin, time, fire and old age

    Coatlicue/Toci/Teteo Innan/Tonantzin - female progenitor goddesses

    Gods of Pulque and excess

    Tlazolteotl - Goddess of filth and guilt and of cleansing

    Tepoztecatl - God of Pulque worshipped at Tepoztlan

    Xochiquetzal - Goddess of pleasure and indulgence, and s*x

    Mayahuel - Goddess of Pulque and Maguey

    The Auiateteo:






    Centzon Totochtin - "the 400 Rabbits", god of drunkenness

    Ometocthli - means "Two Rabbit", leader of the Centzon Totochtin, god of fertility, and drunkenness

    Xochipilli wearing a deerskin as depicted in the Codex Borgia.Gods of Maize and fertility

    Xipe Totec - means "Our Flayed Lord", Fertility god associated with spring, patron god of goldsmiths

    Cinteotl - God of Maize

    Xilonen/Chicomecoatl - Goddess of tender maize

    Xochipilli means "Flower Prince", God of happiness, flowers, pleasure and fertility

    Gods of death and the underworld

    Mictlantecutli - Lord of the underworld

    Mictlancihuatl - Queen of the underworld



    Yacatecutli - means "Nose Lord", god of merchants

    Patecatl - god of doctors and medicine


    Pretty self-explanatory.

  3. Library! Religion or Folklore Section! Books many of them?

    And if your library doesnt have any  demand increased funds for buying books from whoever provides them!
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