
Religion was a system totally devised by humans to reduce greed & violence, but since it causes more wars than

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it stops, hasn't religion proven to be extremely faulty at least in that aspect?




  1. I don't believe that.I think religion came about because people were beat down and needed hope,someone to care and some degree from their suffering,like everything else it became a steppingstone to policies they had no control over(Roman Catholic Church) and became one more abusive intrusion on the lives of the downtrodden.I think most people believe in God,or higher powers above themselves but they no longer believe in organized religion and why should they?I myself many days think this too.

  2. Not sure about your reasoning about the evolution of religion but I agree totally with you regarding religion and violence. Despite the effots of the media to disguise the fact,  we are back in an era of relgious wars - Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan Somalia - and violence -9/11, Pakistan, Chechnya and Israel/Palestine.  Not confined to Islam either - not so long ago, the serb/croat/muslim genocides in the former Yugoslavia and the troubles in Northern Ireland.

    It would be great to have a world without monotheistic religions;  they have had and still have a bloody history and a dark side.

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