
Religious Hypocrisy ?

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I just asked a question why Catholics/Christians drop their belief of God once we figure something out thru science. All I got for answers was that Christians and Catholics are the same, and they still do believe everything the good book says. Bla Bla Bla.

I could ask the same type question using society and trends:

If s*x before marriage is a sin, are each of those who answered going to h**l? If lying is a sin, is Mom/Dad going to h**l for telling me about Santa, Easter Bunny, etc?

If gluttony is a sin, are they going to h**l for what they eat, or let their children eat on Halloween/Holidays? And if Lust is a sin, well, I mean please... tell me I haven't made a point.

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  1. first off.... all catholics are not christian... and all christians are not catholic...

    sin is sin is sin... all separates us from God.... but after accepting Christ as our savior... his sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our sins...

    and because my 'belief' is not all that my faith is about... science trying to solve one aspect of life or another, will not cause me to dismiss God from my life.  

  2. I'm not a Christian but it seems to me that you are wilfully trying to miss understand there faith. You have made no point at all to any Christians (I wouldn't think); do you really think they will fall at this hurdle?

  3. hello friend.

    ok, scientists will never be able to prove any religion theorys wrong. maybe untill they get a time machine.

    There is a book you should look up, i forget who wrote it, but its by a legit scientist who also is a catholic, andhe is saying, they have absolutly no idea as to weather heaven or earth "other godly beings" exist.

    its pretty facinating.

    also, the 7 deadly sins are more sopposidly guidleines.

    its if you commit them, you are more likly on the path of destruction and sin in its simpilist form.

    and also, most of that is made up from early roman priests/popes who just wanted a good community and take control of there people, and it spread.

    get back to me on this.

    I could talk alllll day about religion

  4. You seem to be complaining that you didn't receive the answer that you wanted.  You also seem to be denying the possibility that your question could have been poorly formed, or based on erroneous assumptions.  Perhaps a fair number of Christians don't have an all-or-nothing approach to the Bible, unlike yourself.

  5. First a quote that I think is relevent and excellent:

    "Christ did not come to make bad people good, he came to make dead people LIVE"

    --Ravi Zacharias

    h**l is not punishment for people who do bad things, it is the permanent separation from God.

    For all of us h**l is an inevitable conclusion unless God does something to save us.

    Just because a Christian, like myself,  sins that does not mean that I am going to h**l.

    Does that make me a hypocrite, absolutely.  One might reason that a Christian can sin all he wants to then.

    Well yes, I sin all I want to, in fact I sin more than I want to.  And that is key to Christianity.

    I have exchanged my wants, my desires, for God's desires.  I want to do good but that does not make me perfect, it only makes me better.

    It makes me better because today I love the people I used to hate. I work for others instead of just myself.  Today I rationalize my charity instead of my selfishness.  I won't bother you with the countless ways that God has changed me.

    Now you can mock me all you want for my hypocrisy, I am cool with it.  Point out my short comings, laugh at me. Whatever.  But you will never convince me that I am the same scum that I was before Christ saved me.

    No matter how foolish you think I am, I will never be the same!

    If you don't believe anything I said, believe this.  

    I am not laughing at your disbelief.

  6. all it is, is an opportunity for change!
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