
Religious People - Important, What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?

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I need your own answers and not some cut and paste and no rambling. What is "The Gospel" of Jesus Christ? Try to explain it to me please if you feel you need to. Thanks




  1. The word, "gospel" means good news.

    The good news Jesus brought was that God keeps His promises and that Jesus was indeed the messiah prophesied of old, come to may payment for our sins, so we can return to God when we die.

    The good news is that we're not eternally damned!

  2. The Gospel is the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven.  A new Kingdom is coming.  It will be a sinless Kingdom and Jesus will be the King of this Kingdom.  The Gospel also includes repentance of sins(to do a 180 degree turn from sin and darkness and to follow Jesus and light).  The Good News that you can be saved from the penalty of sin, which is the second death.  Jesus made the way to be saved and through Him we can have everlasting life.  He is the bridge connecting us to the Father which was broken when Adam sinned.

  3. God's plan for our happiness in eternities - the central tenet being the atonement.

  4. The Gospel is that Jesus Christ is here for your salvation- simply put as that.

  5. Gospel means "good news".

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. It includes: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in Him, trust Him, and depend on Him. Such faith leads us to repent. Repentance- to stop doing things that are wrong and continue doing things that are right. Our Faith in Him also makes us want to show our love by keeping His commandments, including baptism. After baptism, He promises to give us the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will guide us, comfort us, and help us know the truth. We can know in our hearts and in our minds when the Holy Ghost is with us. We will have feelings of peace, love and joy. We will want to serve others. We will strive throughout our lives to please the Lord.

    God sent His Belived Son, Jesus Christ, into the world so that all of God's children would have the possibility of returning to live in His presence after they die. Only through the Savior's grace and mercy can we become cleansed from sin so that we can live in our Heavenly Father's presence. Becoming clean from sin is being healed spiritually.

    Because of Christ's Atonement and Resurrection, all people will be brought back into the presence of the Lord to be judged according to their works and their desires. We will be judged according to the laws of justice and mercy.

    Justice is the unchanging law that brings consequences for actions- blessings for obedience to God's commandments and penalties for disobedience. We all commit sin. Sin makes us unclean, and no unclean thing can live in God's presence.

    The Savior satisfied the demands of justice for those who repend of their sins and endeavor to keep all of His commandments when He stood in our place and suffered the penalty for our sins. This act is called the Atonement. Because of this selfless act, Christ can plead with the Father on our behalf. Heavenly Father can apply mercy, withhold punishment from us, and welcome us into His presence. Our Heavenly Father shows mercy when He forgives us of our sins and helps us return to dwell in His presence.

    However, Jesus did not eliminate our personal responsibility. He forgives our sins when we accept Him, repent, and obey His commandments. Through the Atonement and living the gospel we become worthy to enter the presence of our Heavenly Father permanently. We must show that we accept Christ and that we have faith in Him by keeping His commandments and obeying first principles of the Gospel listed firstly in this answer,

  6. Jesus said in Matthew 4:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations" before the end comes.

    The Kingdom is God's Government under the headship of his Son Jesus Christ.

    The Good News is all the blessings that this Kingdom will bring: An end to war, poverty, sickness, death, etc....

    That is why we pray the Lord's Prayer: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:9, 10)

    For some of the benefits of that Kingdom check out the following passages:

  7. the gospel of Jesus chirst is The good news of God's salvation of man made possible by Christ's death burial and reserection. Quiz Team

  8. The gospel is that God entered the world as a baby boy, Jesus Christ, born to a virgin. Jesus lived a sinless sacrificial life and died a sacrificial death. He rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and was glorified.

    His sacrificial death enables us to be saved. Our response to the gospel is to repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and receive the Holy Ghost.

    Read the book of Acts chapter 2 which contains the first gospel message ever preached. It was preached by the Apostle Peter with all the other apostles standing up bearing witness to the truth of the message.

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