
Religious Question....?

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I am wondering how people of different religions, explain the age of the earth and dinosaurs.

Most religious start "with in the beginning there was nothing." and go on to explain the creation of the world and man.

So for extremely religious people, those ones who believe every word of their religion. How do you explain T-rex?




  1. Great question Untamed I asked this a while ago in the religion section and they said dinosaurs do appear in the bible. It was called a Behemoth or something I would post the link but it was on my old account that got deleted.

    I didn't buy it though :-D

  2. Well to be honest Rose, I stay away from these quesitons but I'll give it a try since I've thought about it a lot in the past.  This is just a part of my own hypothesis.  You see, I feel like creation and evolution is intertwined.  The T-Rex is just another animal that roamed the earth and another animal that died out. And as far as explaining the years they existed...well...that brings up another question: Time.  Now as far as religions, all of them are different as we look at time differently.  It's a little bit off topic but it's 2008 in our general calendar but it's a different year in the jewish 3000 something I believe.  I have to be honest here and say that our sense of what a year is may not actually be true.  We know a year only by the tweleve months (Jan.-Dec.)....................

    I didnt' really answer anything but...I noticed I was about to get into all of my thoughts from knowledge...what we consider it really "Knowledge" and all this other philosophical stuff lol..But yeah.  The T-Rex, I think, actually existed.  I'm not really a denomination but I do believe that there is a God :) 'Kay..I ain't answering anymore of these questions lol.

  3. To answer the last portion of your question; Yes, Darwin had good intentions to be of the clergy, and and a close Friend of Mr. Darwin;  Herbert W. Armstrong showed Darwin his proof there is no evolution but a presence of God in creation. Mr. Darwin's answer; "I now see there is a creation, but I cannot throw away all my works." With this formal meeting they both parted and Armstrong adding these words to Darwin; "Study the eyeball."

  4. It's pretty simple, they coded it into the computer when they wrote the program.  Just a little puzzle to solve for fun.

  5. I have heard some very interesting theories on this. The best on I have ever heard is that the earth is something like 3000-5000 years old. They talk about the dinosaurs but I have never heard how they fall in a timeline. It is very odd. This was Seventh-Day Adventist.

    MM...I have heard that one to. He also creates crop circles too. Just an FYI

  6. Why do people think that Christians don't believe in dinosaurs? In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth....etc....

    We all know that story, but the part about the dinosaurs, well here's what I believe:

    Dinosaurs are nothing but over grow reptiles. Back at the beginning of time, there was more oxygen on the earth, with more oxygen things grew bigger and lived longer. That is why we had "giants in those days". Reptiles never stop growing and if they lived a long time and grew at a much higher speed, you'd have dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are in the Bible too.

    15 Behold now the behemoth that I have made with you; he eats grass like cattle.

    16 Behold now his strength is in his loins and his power is in the navel of his belly.

    17 His tail hardens like a cedar; the sinews of his testicles are knit together.

    18 His limbs are as strong as copper, his bones as a load of iron.

    19 His is the first of God's ways; [only] his Maker can draw His sword [against him].

    20 For the mountains bear food for him, and all the beasts of the field play there.

    21 Does he lie under the shadows, in the covert of the reeds and the swamp?

    22 Do the shadows cover him as his shadow? Do the willows of the brook surround him?

    23 Behold, he plunders the river, and [he] does not harden; he trusts that he will draw the Jordan into his mouth.

    24 With His eyes He will take him; with snares He will puncture his nostrils.

    Job 40

    "You shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet" (Psalm 91:13)

    Jeremiah 51:34 tells, "he has swallowed me up like a dragon..."

    Genesis 1:21 can best be translated: "And God created great sea monsters..."

    EDIT: Darwin stated that because of the complexity of the human eye, it could have "just happened".

  7. Look up Jack Chick on google. His view on man, dinosaurs and creation of the world are quite funny and the most common I find in fundamentalist Christians.

    Did you know that dinoburgers are very lean and healthy for you?

  8. They can't explain it.

    That's what happens when you make things up. Sooner or later something will come along to expose the LIE and you will look very stupid.

  9. One explained it to me once-  They said: "there aren't any dinosaurs.   They are just something scientists made up."

  10. Leviathan

  11. I would like to suggest a website  This has many answers that you seek.  The age of the earth, dinosaurs, even the DAYS of Genesis.  I think it will help a lot.

    TY for asking this question.

  12. I'm a Christian & while I believe the Bible & that God created the world in 7 days, I have no idea where the dinosaurs come into play. I imagine that the dinosaurs were a part of this...but if you asked me to explain, I couldn't. I guess it's a mystery of life...

  13. Dinosaurs were on the earth at the same time as humans, according to the Bible.  Shocking isn't it?  Let me show you where in the Bible it mentions something that is definitely not something we still have around today, and could very easily be a dinosaur.

    Actually never mind.  There's more than I thought.  There's some stuff on this site.

    I was just going to show one or two verses out of Isaiah, but this is better.

    No!  I was beat to this.

  14. gov. and ex pres. candidate mike huckabee said that these fossils were placed on earth by satan to create doubt....

  15. Try searching Hindu cosmology to learn what Hindus say about the age of not only the earth, but this universe.

    "Each quartet is composed of four eras: Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. The span of Krita era is 1,728,000 human years, Treta era is 1,296,000 human years, Dvapara era is 864,000 human years and Kali era is 432,000 human years."

    "We are currently believed to be in the 51st year of the present Brahma and so about 155 trillion years have elapsed since He was born as Brahma. After Brahma's "death", it is necessary that another 100 Brahma years pass until he is reborn and the whole creation begins anew. This process is repeated again and again, forever."

    Try searching dasa avatar and theory of evoultion.  Or use this link.

    Try searching the web on all available resources and comments by westerners about Hindu concepts.  I promise you that you will be genuinely surprised.

    EDIT:  Here is one link on Atheism :

    Atheism (Sanskrit: nir-īśvara-vāda, lit. "statement of no Lord", "doctrine of godlessness") or disbelief in God or gods has been a historically propounded viewpoint in many of the Hindu philosophies.[1][2]

  16. Oooh, I look forward to some of these answers.  I know how my brother (fundamentalist Christian) has explained it and it was.... er.... an interesting interpretation.  

    One of the popular ones is that humans and dinosaurs (some of them) were around at the same time.  They take some of the pictures off of Roman shields of dinosaurs and say "They must have been around at the same time!  Look, the Romans depict this dinosaur with its tail OFF the ground--something we didn't realize until recently!"  Of course I always laugh at this.  The Romans probably saw fossils just like we did but unlike us, weren't stupid enough to assume that the dinosaurs dragged their tails on the ground.  The Ancient mind is not like the modern mind and to think so is to do the ancient mind a serious disservice.

    EDIT-- That might work, Proud Steford Wife, if most dinosaur bones were very similar to reptilian bones.  However, as it stands, they are much closer to bird like structure than anything like reptiles.  The idea that dinosaur fossils are reptilian is an outdated one--they're just too much their own group or too close to bird like to ignore.

  17. According to Bill Hicks, dinosaur bones are the work of a 'prankster God' using them as a test of faith :-)

  18. Well I can tell you what I think, but it feels like it would be a waste of time because nobody really cares what us "delusional" Christians think. But since I'm a glutton for punishment....

    I think that dinos and man did live together on the earth. Before the Flood, the earth was very different than it is now. The climate was tropical all over the globe. Plants were huge and lush. Animals, fish, insects, and humans grew to astonishing sizes, hence the 10-foot-tall human skeletons and 5 foot wide dragonfly fossils that are found. The conditions were great for reptiles to live a very long time and grow to enormous sizes. After the flood, the world changed. The climate changed. We had an ice age. The planet was no longer hospitable for dinosaurs to live and they died out very quickly. That's what I think, anyways.

    There is a scientist called Kent Hovind who has lots of fascinating information about dinosaurs and geology and natural history. I know, I know, he went to jail....but it was over income tax problems (and technically he was right - according to law income tax is *optional* and you shouldn't be forced to pay it!). Does that automatically make his research all c**p? I don't think so. You could check his work out and see what you find. At the very least, it is thought-provoking.

  19. A scary Christian opinion on dinosaurs:

    "Unfortunately, our public school system and the media have convinced us that dinosaurs were extinct at least 60 million years before man appeared on earth. They have done such a good job in this area that we can not imagine people and dinosaurs living at the same time. The fact is that dinosaurs were created no more than one day before mankind, not many millions of years earlier—and we have evidence to support that statement."

    Other Christians believe dinosaur bones were placed in the Earth by God, as a way to test the faithful.  True believers and carbon dating apparently do not mix.

  20. They made it all up. It's a conspiracy. Made the phony bones out of plaster and concrete. All that stuff about the forbidden fruit and the snake with a sign pointing to it that said "eat this," are absolutely true.

  21. Christians can say that God made possils of T-rex (and rest of  the dinosaurs) in order to invent about the history.. Thereby the god can realize who are really following and trusting his teachings. People who don't follow him will investigate the T-rex possils and will conclude that they were loving creatures on the plannet. But the reality is that god made the possils in order to make men to believe that way....

    I am a Buddhist and it teaches that every thing is happening to a reason. Nothing can go wrong on that rule. Also there are some theories that say about the beginging of the world. Buddhism has very little fictional tales in any forms except for the "Jathak"

  22. It's interesting that in the earliest days of the evolution debate, even the most faithful Christian scientists believed in deep time. They just figured God had created the dinosaurs along with everything else.

    EDIT: I did know that, actually. But he became an agnostic later.

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