
Religious friends and their religious beliefs?

by  |  earlier

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So, I have these friends who I adore. They know I don't attend church, but they always invite me to theirs. I'm running out of polite ways to say "no thank you." It seems anything I wanna hang out we end up at "you wanna come to church with us?" No, I don't!




  1. Tell them your Jewish. Or just tell them the truth.

  2. Wow you must have a lot of friends or do you mean you tell them more than once

  3. Simply tell them that you are not interested in religious offices of clergy and rhetoric. That will keep their head spinning for a while. LOL

    But no, seriously, just tell them how you really feel. You see your instinct of secrecy is a survival trait, and you're only feeling the fear because of your genetic predisposition that you will be injured by telling them. I bet if they are your real friends they will accept your notions of belief and non-divinity. I, myself would tell them that I just don't feel comfortable being asked into a religious place and that I would appreciate it if they no longer ask.

    No need to be a militant atheists with rash debate and harsh words, simply state you're not religious and not interested.

  4. Why don't you set the record straight with them once and for all, just say that whilst you respect their religion you have no desire to experience it for yourself and you are quite happy the way you are and if they continue to pressure you into attending church you are going to get fed up with them....

  5. Try it. What's the worse that could happen?

  6. It's an issue of Boundaries.

    I've some very dear friends & rellies who are religious - and I regularly point out that I respect the strength of their faith & (the positive) things they have done in the name of their faith.

    BUT I also point out that while I respect I also believe differently.

    Usually one only needs to quietly be polite & respectful.


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