
Religious people: do you believe in ghosts?

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if not...why not?

& isn't that a contradiction if you dont believe....because if you dont believe in ghosts (which you don't "see"), why believe in a holy ghost which you also can't see




  1. I believe that what people perceive as "ghosts" are not the "spirits of the dead", but rather demons impersonating people. After all, they know everything there is to know about a person, and it would be very easy for them to imitate, thus deceiving the living.

    The Bible says that when we die, we "sleep" in the grave until Christ returns. We do not go directly to Heaven or h**l, and we do not "float around" as ghosts. We have no consciousness of anything, not even the passage of time. When Christ returns, the Saved of all time will be bodily resurrected back to permanent, physical life, and the wicked dead will remain dead for another 1,000 years, at which time they will be resurrected to judgment, then they will be permanently destroyed.

    The "Holy Spirit" is that part of God that lives within you, if you are saved, and guides you throughout your life. It is NOT the same as the "ghosts" (demons) mentioned above.

  2. Yes I do believe in Ghosts I have seen one!.

  3. I do more than believe in the Holy Ghost, I experience the Holy Ghost many of times.  I have helped to cast out demons in the name of Jesus.  I have felt the Holy Ghost go through me into someone when I am batized some one in the name os Jesus

    So Yes.

  4. Biblical Greek doesn't say Holy Ghost it says Holy Spirit.

    You still stuck in the KJV?

  5. The paranormal type of ghost that has become popular in recent years through books and movies is inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible.  

    Like anything else, it is a matter of definition.  You are correct that you cannot see spirit.  Likewise, you cannot see the Holy Spirit.  In Bible translations from several centuries ago, the Holy Spirit was referred to as the Holy Ghost, but I do not believe that you would get the same description of ghost from a person in 1611 as you would get today.  

    As far as why I believe in the Holy Spirit, I believe because the Holy Spirit lives in me.  I know this to be true by simple personal experience.  This is also spoken of in the eighth chapter of the book of Romans where it says that the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.


  6. Yes, the Holy Ghost!

  7. No, but I have read convincing evidence by Dr. Alexander McCall in his book Healing the Haunted.

  8. yes I do...because I know they are all around us in the spirit world...not just spiritual good ones there are negative evil ones that people trust but who will do evil to them if they cross them...some people don't understand the spirit world and it is a mighty world very unlike this world of physical realities... the spirit world is the true reality...this world is highly protected by God and no one will know until it is there time to know and understand.

  9. I believe in hot Japanese girls.

  10. I ain't afraid of no ghost`

  11. In Hebrews the bible says 'it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this, the judgement." so therefore, what people believe are ghosts, or the spirits of people who have died is not true. I do believe that people see beings that are not human and never were. What people see that appear to be like their deceased loved ones are demons. Pure and simple. They are demons who once had a body (nephilim) and now have no place tangible to dwell until they possess another human. If you have been born again, have repented of your sins and asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life, then you can never be inhabited by a demon.

  12. i believe

  13. can you tell me why you DO?

  14. I'm sceptical

    No Because If everyone who died became a ghost it would be too crowded wouldn't it

    Yes because sometimes I feel someone is in the house when I'm alone a presence

  15. Yes, I believe in them and am also sort of religious... though not THAT much. I'm also a firm believer in science... but that doesn't mean I don't think that ghosts exist. I believe in a lot of creepy things and ghosts is one of them.

  16. they are really demons masquerading as the dead to confuse the living..

  17. no because your soul gos up to stovokor

  18. yes and no,,there r spirits that u cant see good and bad a ghost???the holy ghost is a spiritual being not a ghost as we know today..if u look up the word ghost in greek n.t that is its a spiritual being that does exist...not a ghost in the sense

  19. Yep we Christians believe in:






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