
Religious zealots! do you know who 'christ' really was?

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he has been described by contemporaries as 'smaller than average, black skinned, jewish prophet' one of a number of prophets going around at that time proclaiming the imminent coming of the kingdom of god, (that's the jewish god, by the way) his particular cult was successful in the way that it took hold where the others didn't. so where does all this modern image of a blonde , tall , english speaking wimp come from?




  1. "where does all this modern image of a blonde , tall , english speaking wimp come from?"

    It comes from Jeffrey Hunter.

  2. From the time I understood ethnic regions, I began to picture Jesus of Nazareth as anyone from Palestine/Israel would look.  In my circle of friends there is a Pakistani who is a naturalize US citizen.  My picture of Jesus in skin tone, hair color, eye color compare more to this Pakistani than to the European paintings of years gone by.  As for evidence of Jesus as an historical figure -- whether or not you accept him as Christ -- there is much.  At my fingertips there is this quote, "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works . . ."

  3. Jesus was a hippie

  4. and his name wasnt Christ

    he was said to be "the christ"

    matthew 16

    13When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

    14And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

    15He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

    16And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    17And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

    18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of h**l shall not prevail against it.

    19And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    20Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.

  5. What Jesus looked like is an entirely different question from who He really was. There are no pictures and no physical descriptions of Jesus from His time. Therefore, we only presumption and it would be reasonable to presume he resembled the people of that place and that time. He was a Jew of the first century (they were not black).

  6. Considering that we have atheists on here telling us that he never even existed, they all of a sudden seem to know an awful lot about him.

  7. Actually, in renaissance art He was depicted as a sensuous Italian.  All believers want to see Jesus as an idealized man, and are loathe to think He resembled Yassir Arafat, though that depiction is more likely accurate!

  8. the savior of all manking=whoever will repent!

  9. [Middle English Crist, from Old English Crst, from Latin Chrstus, from Greek Khrstos, from khrstos, anointed, verbal adj. of khrein, to anoint; see  ghri- in Indo-European roots.]

    1.  The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. Often used with the.

    2. Christianity Jesus.

    Annointed indeed.

  10. Zealots?  If that means anyone with zeal for their beliefs than I guess on YA there are religious zealots as well as evolution zealots, big bang zealots, sports zealots, car zealots, beauty and kin care zealots, etiquette zealots not to mention the grammar and spelling zealots. The list is too long but I'm sure you're going to go into each forum and denounce all zealots......good luck with that.

  11. Yes, I do. Jesus the Christ is the Son of God, second member of the Trinity.  He is the Messiah.  The Great 'I AM'.  He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  He is the Lamb of God.  The Savior of God's elect.  He is the Judge and the Redeemer.  He is the Alpha and the Omega.  He is the Word of God.

  12. If horses believed in Jesus then they'd probably suggest that he looked like a horse.

  13. LOL!!! They don't know anything about this person they call Jesus. The modern image of European Jesus must have been invented in the middle ages by the catholic church to sell more people on the religion.  

  14. we don't worship his image, we worship who he is...  

  15. I don't care about His face of features, I just know that he taught us to love without limit .... that is exactly who Christ was.

  16. Yes I do know who Jesus The Christ is... is... not was

    and no one knows the description of his physical form when he walked this Earth in mortal form.... he certainly was not blond, blue eyed, nordic.... most likely olive and sun darkened and hard from 30 yrs of hard physical labor... most likely as a stone worker. as a laborer he probably did not have long hair.

  17. Who thinks he had blonde hair?

  18. the image you are referring to comes from 14th - 17th europe (based on their own art models) to look to other images, perhaps it is better to look to the 'madonna' throughout art history (from blonde blue eyes to black - all colours!)

    yes, there were many prophets at the time (mainly due to political reasons/occupation etc) - however, Jesus as a historical figure was different - as he talked about the personal, spirituality, feminist ideals, environmental issues and the notion of family in society - it's mainly the Churches that stamp the extras on!

    think of what Gandhi said - 'i like that Christ, just not sure about the christians'

  19. You have no clue either, hypocrite

    What he looked like has nothing to do with who He Was/Is

  20. if anything he would have been israeli not black having been born in Jerusalem. They did travel a lot in those days so is possible for him to be white but that will be the eternal argument.

  21. We don't know what He looked like, but we can pretty well guess that he was a short guy with dark hair and olive skin. He was Jewish!

    As for the paintings we see of Him with the auburn hair and neatly trimmed beard, who knows where that nonsense came from?

  22. There are no reliable contemporary descriptions of Jesus - in fact there is no reliable evidence he even existed.

    Cite your sources, and I shall be pleased to demolish them.

  23. I do not only know who Christ was, I know who He is!  

  24. Jesus was a black man. Get over it people.

  25. Which contemporaries?  Quote sources, please.

    Y'Shua was Jewish, therefore dark skinned (not black, certainly not white)

  26. Your asking me to justify my image of who Christ (with a capitol if you would please) is when your claim don't show any justification.  It doesn't matter to me what His size or skin tone was.  I do feel that He was the Son of God and not a prophet.  So, to answer your question, yes I do know who Christ was and is.  You may have heard of Him, His name is Jesus.

  27. I don't know but you're assuming that all "religious zealots" are Christians.

  28. Really? Maybe that mexican tamale salesman named Jesus was just lying to me.  

  29. Jesus was real, as said on the bible, why you think that time and ages started from his birth?

    Jesus and His dad, The God are REAL!

    God Bless You All!

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