
Religiously, do you believe in scapegoats or responsibility?

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Eve. Satan. Or yourself? Who do you have to blame?




  1. I believe that all people should be responsible including religion and have to account for their actions.

  2. In my faith it is only the individual that is at fault

    We have neither “Satan” nor even a perfect god(s)

  3. I beleive scapegoats are the mechanism of a coward who cannot take responsibility for their own life.

    Too many people blame "god" for all the problems in the world, because they don't have the guts to step up and do something about it.

  4. Myself.  

    Eve is the mother of all and knew more than most of us do about the plan of salvation.  She knew that eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge was necessary for the plan of salvation to work.  So what she did was for all of us.

    Satan is the tempter, but God has given us all the strength to withstand him if we turn to God.

    LDS Article of Faith #2

    We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

    (I'm gonna get so many thumbs down for being LDS lol)

  5. A little bit of both, actually. I have to maintain my aura of self-righteousness somehow, don't I? Why not do it at someone else's expense now and then?

    That is sarcasm, you know?

  6. No..I do not believe in scapegoats. I believe in taking responsibility for myself.

  7. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, we inherited a sin nature, because they gave authority to satan on the earth. But we are each responsible for our own sin. We do have a choice whether to walk in sin if we trust in Christ, for He gives us His Spirit to help us walk in life rather than in sin.

  8. Personal responsibility as well as finite punishment for finite crimes.  

  9. I do not believe in cosmic scapegoats. I can find the source of most of my problems by simply looking in the mirror. I advocate personal responsibility.

  10. I believe the Bible.  This is not an either/or scenerio.

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