
Religiousness vs IQ?

by Guest21591  |  earlier

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Many studies have been conducted which observe a general trend, wherein more religiousness correlates to a lower IQ. Is this a result of:

a) environmental factors, i.e.. low socio-economic factors, lack of education, upbringing

b) or is it that stupider people are more inclined to believe in religion

c) or is it that a low IQ is a condition of being a religious person in the first place?




  1. Religion causes people to become ignorant and disregard scientific fact. We are talking about people that think the world was created 6000 years ago even though there are numerous civilizations that are older than 6000 years. They also think that the world was created in  6 days.

    I would say a combination of all three.

  2. To become clergy in main line denominational churches, you must get a master of divinity degree first.  This usually requires you to learn ancient Greek and other languages.  It's very demanding.  Becoming clergy is not for wimps.  And it doesn't pay that well. It's a very demanding job. If you're smart enough to make it through an m-div, you're probably smart enough to be an engineer or a doctor.  In fact several pastors that i know were engineers first, or became an engineer later.

    I know of no such study. That wouldn't surprise me. I haven't looked for one.

  3. "many studies".  Yeah right.  I have an IQ around 140, am en route to a Ph.D. in engineering, and I believe that God is the most important part of my life, and that He created all of us.  So there go all your "reasons".  

    It's not just me, either - at least half of my undergraduate class was Christian.   And I  went to a regular state school.  So I don't know where you're getting this correlation.

  4. The studies you mention are OBSERVATIONAL studies, and as such can never be used to reach the sort of conclusions you ask for (ie - it could be any of the three explanations you mention).

    In order to determine which, a proper EXPERIMENTAL study would have to be designed, where you took children of various IQ levels and exposed them to religion (or not) at different stages of maturity.

    Obviously, such an experiment cannot be performed.

    This is a similar problem to studies which, for example, correlate consuming more of a particular nutrient with lower cases of bowel cancer. It could be that the nutrient prevents bowel cancer; it could be that the genetic background of the different cultures with the different foods are the cause; it could be a different substance in a foodstuff which also happens to contain the nutrient you have identified; and many other possible correlations.

  5. What study?

    We are all genetically predisposed to believe.

    A similar question arises from the observation that science faculty members are in general more likely than average to be atheists. The question is: Does science attract atheists or do university studies generate or favour atheists?

  6. NO NO NO

    We are all genetically predisposed to attempt to understand that which we do not ---because as humans who have a higher mental capacity than a goldfish, we can understand the concept of asking,"Why?"

    However, also as humans, we cannot fully comprehend as of now, the answer to why, and therefore given ourselves the bullshit answer of, "a higher power."

    It is all of the above, but you knew that.

  7. All three, of course. But another reason is moral cowardice. It takes courage to be moral without divine threats hanging over you all the time.

  8. Mostly B and C.

  9. It's easy to skew such studies, whether you are trying to do so or not. Most people claim to follow some religion or other. Most people have low to average IQs. That gives you a lot to play around with in terms of correlation.

    There is one instance in which there might be a correlation. People with low IQs (however you measure IQ) tend to be in lower socioeconomic strata. They have very little going for them and can more easily be drawn into flaky religions. I define a flaky religion as any other than mine and a low IQ as one that is lower than mine. I get really good correlation that way.

  10. I know religious people with above average IQ. The studies are flawed. I wouldn't be surprised if the people conducting these absurd studies were atheists trying to further their agenda.

    Of the answers you have given - two of which relate to your question (b and c) and one which has nothing to do with the question (a), I would say that environmental factors generally do play a role in determining IQ. However you also have to understand that there have been geniuses who have come from poverty stricken homes.

    Testing human intelligence is not as easy as some think - you have to take many things into consideration before you judge a person intelligent or ignorant.

    Does religion make a person stupid? Are stupid people more likely to turn to religion? No- I would actually like to know the IQ of those who would claim a correlation between religion and stupidity.

  11. All of the above.

    Mostly B and C though.

  12. Mostly is a). Because many people exposed (isn't it that our place is much polluted) to many carbon monoxide (CO) and lead particulates develop lower I.Q. because it is supplied through the brain by alveolar sacs, according to doctors.
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