
Relocating to Charlotte, NC.?

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I have a baby & the father left me when pregnant for someone else after he promises 2 be with us. He comes back around and says he was thinking about working things out, but goes back to his girlfriend, who he spends more time with than my baby. I still try 2 let him see her and go out of my way to even take her 2 see him. He only gives me money when I ask and it shouldn't be that way. I wanted 2 at least try 2 be a family and do things 2gether, But it's always "I can't and I gotta go" and he's off 2 be with his girl. But when I say something about dating other ppl he gets all mad and says "so I guess u didn't mean it when u say you want 2 work things out. My baby doesnt even know him. It breaks my heart n is very stressful on me. It hurts soo bad. I really love this guy but cant take the heartach n pain anymore. I want 2 move on and try 2 make a life for me n my baby. Get myself 2gether and maybe buy a house. Im from SC and work n the clerical field. Can anyone give any advice.




  1. he sounds like a jerk.

    i know it's hard but try to do this on your own.

    and who knows.. maybe you'll find someone else !

  2. leave him. i know it will be hard because it still seems you are caught up on him, but he is not doing you good or your child. if you need help with money, look into getting child support. but first you need to realize that you dont need him. plently of people are single parents and are able to get by and have a life of their own with their child. i know it will be hard, but in the end it will be worth it because you will be happier. if he wants to see his child, then he can petition for it. but it doesnt seem like he is to concerned about it. you need to be strong and stand up for you and your child.

  3. Forget about that guy. If he doesn't give a d**n about u or his baby, forget him. Move on, i bet there's a better guy out there, maybe even one who can be the right father to ur baby. ur boyfriend's gonna regret doing wat he's doing, that girl he's goiing to will leave him and then he'll try to come back to u, don't let him in ur life. If he takes advantage of the baby, tell him he didn't do nothing for the baby and he doesnt have any right towards the baby or u. Move on and kick the guy out of ur life. A unstable guy like that is not good for ur baby either. Wat kind of things will she have to face if her father's like that? Give her all the love you can, study hard, and eventually ull find the right person. Just dont go fall for a guy like that again

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