I have a baby & the father left me when pregnant for someone else after he promises 2 be with us. He comes back around and says he was thinking about working things out, but goes back to his girlfriend, who he spends more time with than my baby. I still try 2 let him see her and go out of my way to even take her 2 see him. He only gives me money when I ask and it shouldn't be that way. I wanted 2 at least try 2 be a family and do things 2gether, But it's always "I can't and I gotta go" and he's off 2 be with his girl. But when I say something about dating other ppl he gets all mad and says "so I guess u didn't mean it when u say you want 2 work things out. My baby doesnt even know him. It breaks my heart n is very stressful on me. It hurts soo bad. I really love this guy but cant take the heartach n pain anymore. I want 2 move on and try 2 make a life for me n my baby. Get myself 2gether and maybe buy a house. Im from SC and work n the clerical field. Can anyone give any advice.