
Relocating to Ireland?

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We currently live in the U.S. Can anyone give me advice on relocating to Ireland or know of any websites/books that can help with this? I need to know everything, jobs, housing, schools, etc. Thanks!




  1. I just got back from there.It is very expensive and housing is hard to's beautiful there.The housing goes fast when it's listed.The bus and cabs very expensive but if your going to school there it's a lot easier.I don't have any websites sorry

  2. Sorry I can give you no advice, but how exciting!!!! I've heard nothing but wonderful things of it and of the people. Best of luck to you lassie..

  3. Do you mean the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland? The latter is part of the United Kingdom.

    Maybe someone who is a little more informed on jobs, housing and schools in the country could give you a better idea about them and their areas.

    For all republic of Ireland visa information including fees, application procedures and requirements refer to the website below.

    For the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland visit the website below.

    I can't really be any more specific without knowing more details but if you would like further information then please feel free to contact me directly and I would be happy to help.

  4. Ireland is a great little country.  I have to wonder how you plan to get a job there, however.  It's not like moving from Denver to Des Moines, you know.  For one thing, you can't work there unless you can find an employer that is willing to state you have a skill he/she can't find locally.  For another, you can't rent an apartment or buy a house or even LIVE in Ireland without going through the process of applying for permanent resident alien status and to do that, you have to PROVE you have an independent income of about $1,500 PER MONTH without making a penny in Ireland.

    There is a lot involved for an American to re-locate to Europe or the U.K.... you can't just move there and start living there, because when the authorities catch up with you... AND THEY WILL... you will be deported from Ireland AT YOUR OWN COST.
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