
Remeber when germany's economy thrived in the 1960s because of the many turkish immigrants?

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who took up the factory jobs that gave germany the economic boom?

why isnt this (or is it?) working in the united states with all the mexican immigrants takign up lower level jobs?




  1. Because they're not legal. They don't pay taxes to the government.

    That's why congress is trying to find a way to get the taxes and not as much as making them legal.

  2. Were the turkish immigrants legal?  They're not legal in the US - well, the majority.  Besides, we have enough employment problems without adding another huge population here.

  3. NO!!!!... but its true , if we let decent ppl work everything would be better.....  but no , we keep in the racist blindness...and why the low level jobs would be taken by us citizens , if they can collect unemployment tickets, and no got tired

  4. 1)  They did not send their money back to Turkey.  

    2)  They did not live 14 deep in one home, so therefore less money going to America (when real estate goes so goes the country).

    3)  They put their money back into Germany.

    4)  They were not replacing Germans with Turkish and paying them less.

    That is a couple that come to mind.   Mexicans are not just taking low level jobs.  Construction workers were paid pretty good a little while ago.  Now all you see is Mexicans.  I don't know how much they are paid BUT I know Americans don't work those jobs anymore.

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