
Remedies to environmental pollution from waste disposal?

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remedies to environmental pollution from waste dsisposal from demestic waste,industrial waste,agricultural waste.




  1. the remedies are environmental degradation

  2. I think that roscoedeadbea's community has a great answer.  I want our Governor here in Michigan to do the same.  Tax the trash coming into Michigan from Canada.  About 400 trucks a day, charge them $100 per ton.  Just to the south of where most of trucks cross the bridge, there is a coal power plant.  Run all this stuff through it, sell the power back to them.

  3. Agricultural waste (manure) is utilized as fertilizer where I live.  There are regulations in place to control the rates of application, the slope of the land and proximity to surface waters, well intakes, etc. and requirements for incorporation into the soil to prevent vector attraction.

    The same is done with biosolids, the sludge left over from wastewater treatment.  Some is treated to reduce pathogens then applied to agricultural land in the same manner where it fertilizes crops.  There is another classification called Exceptional Quality biosolids, that is treated above and beyond the typical standards, and is virtually pathogen-free and can be sold as to consumers as fertilizer.  These all must meet state and EPA regulations.

    The treated effluent from wastewater treatment plants could be used to irrigate golf courses, water lawns, etc. instead of going back out to the environment, and instead of using treated drinking water for these purposes.

  4. Domestic waste, easy solution.  Try using "green" cleaning products.

    I use it and love it.

  5. I have been working on a project for some time now.  It is called 'Trash to Cash'   what we are doing, here in Los Angeles, Ca, USA is we are using trash for fuel to distill water, & create power.  When trash is burned with a very high temp plasma flame, it produces almost Zero pollution.  So, if you take dirty water, or sea water, and put it in a boiler, and evaporate it, the steam can turn a turbine & generate electricity.  Further, when the steam condenses, it is pure H2O which can be used for human or plant consumption.  At the moment, we are burning about 2000 tons a day (out of the 40,000 tons a day which L.A. produces), at two locations.

    This provides electricity to about 20,000 homes.  

    What I would like to do is use some of the water to produce hydrogen, which could be used as fuel for cars & factories.   We are getting there, the question is will it be fast enough?

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