
Remedies to prevent...?

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Mosquito bites?




  1. Sulfur tablets will keep them away.

    I've never found anything that can match it:-)

    Mosquito's can't stand sulfur.

  2. A little citronella essential oil should work wonders. Its the same as in the deck candles and such but its much better smelling than those. Its natural and used for other things too!

    Try this website for other uses.

  3. Prevention of Mosquito Bites

    Always keep your surroundings clean

    Wear long sleeves and pants when in mosquito infested areas

    Apply commercially available anti mosquito bites lotion

    Use mosquito nets if sleeping in a mosquito infested areas

    Don’t stock bottles and other things susceptible for mosquitoes to proliferate

    Eradicate stagnant waters in the area or if can’t avoid be sure to put covers in it

  4. thiamine 25mg to 50 mg three times a day. this really works because my daughter has an allergic reaction to mosquito bites and when we put her on this it helped alot.

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