
Remedy (WITHOUT medication) to help stomach!! IM STRESSED OUT LIKE CRAZY!!?

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i dno if its an ulcer or just sharp shooting peircing pains! but it kills! it even hurts to breathe!! i have been the most stressed out i can ever remember!!

ANYONE have a remedy or certain food or drink or mixture/concoction of things i can consume that could help calm my poor hurting tummy down!?!????????????

ALSO would eating super healthy for a while then going to S H I TTY foods for a few days straight cause this kinda pain??????????




  1. Get pure Aloe Vera juice (I get Fruit of the Earth from Walmart or Kmart in the pharmacy sections). It comes in gallon containers. It is 100% juice and not concentrated. It has a very mild taste. No other ingredients. Drink several glasses of that a day for a couple of weeks at least, to help heal the burns in your gut and esophagus.

    Then, I would also start taking Digestive Enzymes and Acidophilus. Acid reflux is usually caused by not having ENOUGH  acid in your stomach, rather than too much. When there is too little acid in the stomach, the stomach slows down and food sits there longer, causing gas build up. The gas build up then causes the esophageal sphincter to open and release the gas through belching. It also allows digestive juices to back up into the esophagus. The slow emptying of the stomach causes the rest of the gut to slow down also. I would venture a guess that you have trouble with constipation. Eating more vegetables and cutting down on breads, sugars, dairy, and meat will help. I am NOT saying you should become a vegetarian. You can eat all of the things I have mentioned.

    BUT, until you get your gut working properly again, cutting down on those foods will help greatly. Another thing that helps me is eating small meals. Lunch has now become my biggest meal. I will eat a full tub of organic salad greens with a small amount of dressing on it. I eat that in one sitting. I will have some protein with that also, like shrimp, or nuts added to the salad. These kinds of foods get your gut moving faster. And they take more time to digest. You don't get the carb drop in blood sugar with this. I used to fall asleep on my feet after lunch, until I started eating like this. Now, I have energy to burn after lunch.

    Cut out caffeinated drinks. They will rip your stomach apart. Drink about a gallon of water a day. This does aid in getting your gut moving. I can always tell when I have not been drinking enough water.

    Practice breathing from the diaphragm. If you don't know how to do this, practice when you have time to devote to learning how to breathe this way.

    Lay on the floor or bed, where you can be COMFORTABLE. Breathe deeply, causing your STOMACH not your chest, to rise and fall. By making your stomach rise and fall with each breath, you are getting fresh oxygen to the very BOTTOM of your lungs. When you EXHALE you want to expel ALL the air from your lungs. Breathing this way will NOT cause hyperventilation.

    These things are not an overnight fix. It took me almost a year before my reflux subsided. I now get heartburn, not reflux. And it only happens when I eat too much or my gut is slowing down again. It is the worst when I become constipated. But, now I am aware of what my body is telling me, and I can correct it's issues.

    Edit:  It took me a year to heal my gut from Prilosec (omeprazole) use. Antacids are a self fulfilling prophecy. They cause the body to need them. It becomes a vicious cycle. According to the labeling, people are not supposed to take omeprazole for more than 8 weeks at a time. Doctors prescribe it for years. Where does the discrepancy come from?

    All antacids do is make more money for the pharmaceutical companies. That's what they are in business for - to make money. Heaven forbid if any one of them actually wanted to HELP humans instead of picking their pockets.

  2. Take 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda, stir it into 8 oz glass of warm water. Hold your nose and drink it all down.

    You'll either burp a lot or toss your cookies. Either way your tummy will quiet down. If you still have pains, you need to see a MD!

  3. Go to a health food store and get some aloe vera juice to drink and some licorice tablets (deglychernized licorice). Cat's claw also helps your digestive system rebuild. Slippery elm too, and coconut milk help soothe ulcers.

    Yes, stabbing upper stomach pains are usually ulcers-caused by H. pylori (a bacteria).  It's really important to drink pure, bottled water when you have ulcers.  tomato soup also helps. Avoid bad foods (sugars, caffeine, and bad fats) when you have ulcers. Hurting to breathe is also really bad acid reflux.  You really really nead to cut out coffee for a while. Eat easily digestible foods like fruits and lean protein.  Some people get acid reflux as a food allergy. (I had really bad GERD from taking fish oil so I switched to flax.) Try taking some over the counter ant-acids. (Zantax) Best of luck to you.

  4. Do you drink enough liquids?  Maybe your body is having a hard time digesting properly because there isn't enough liquid to work with.  Try drinking a lot of water and see if that helps.

  5. Dehydration is a possibility ~ some of the symptoms of dehydration are nausea & digestive troubles such as constipation, bloating and cramping, puffy bags under your eyes, dark circles under your eyes,dizzy spells and loss of balance, constant yawning, headaches and migraines and foggy thinking, irritability and moodiness..... :0)

    Are you sure you aren't just dehydrated buddy?? Expecting your digestive system to digest food and transport essential vitamins and nutrients with no water in your system is an extremely huge ask ............ actually puffiness anywhere in your body is a signal that your body is hanging on to the little bit of water that you have and are getting very dehydrated ...... Water is imperative to life. Without water your body will have a terrible time breathing, digesting food, transporting nutrients, lubricating your joint sockets etc.etc.etc.etc......... nothing substitutes for water. your body needs at least 2 - 3 litres of water daily to function efficiently Geez, we need at least 2 litres daily just to maintain aspiration (to breathe)!! so drink up buddy ♥

    Increase your intake of fresh filtered water 20 minutes before or after meals so as to enhance digestion rather than interfere with it ............... if you drink fluids during your meals it will only serve to dilute your digestive juices and hinder digestion ♥

    also, try to cut back on drinks such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas and soft drinks (if you drink any of them) which will all do great job of dehydrating you. ie: just 1 can of soda or soft drink will make your body peesh out up to 12 cups of water !!! 1 cup of coffee will make your body peesh out about 2 cups of water ........... read the book by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.... "Your body's many cries for water"...... an astounding and scary and very true read.

    If this doesn't resolve your tummy pains then i suggest that you get yourself off to the Doctor quick smart......... stabbing and sharp pains are more often than not a result of dehydration so give it an hour or so ♥

    Geez, buddy sounds like you're really stressing ...... i know plenty of ways to reduce stress ~ 3 little children to run after made that a necessity for me to research.

    Foods rich in Tryptophan will help induce natural sleep and aid in reducing stress, anxiety and tension.

    foods rich in Tryptophan are ~ bananas, cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, peanuts and all protein rich foods ............. turkey sandwiches for supper may just do the trick buddy......... :0)

    There are quite a few things you can do to relieve the symptoms of stress and reduce its affects on your body and immune system. better deal with the daily helping of stress we are all exposed to ♥ Stress can do some terrible things to our bodies if we let it ............. stress depletes our supplies of our B complex of vitamins and vitamin C as they are both water soluble........... the B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy immune, neural and digestive functioning and Vitamin C helps in the body's absorption of iron and is essential in the formation of collagen, which is important for the growth and repair of body tissue cells, skin, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth and also for supporting a healthy immune system and in maintaining normal blood pressure levels....... pretty vital i'd say ♥

    Bolster your immune system and eat more foods rich in vitamin C ie ~ citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges, leafy and green vegies, tomatoes and potatoes and red and green peppers.

    A deficiency in the B complex of vitamins will produce symptoms such as chest pains and heart palpitations, headaches and migraines, numbness and tingling and prickling sensations in the outer extremities, dizzy spells, fainting and loss of balance, excessive sweating, excessive urination and dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and exhaustion, stress and depression, insomnia and constipation, irritability and moodiness and an inability to think clearly ....Quite scary actually if you don't realise the vitamin factor.

    If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis.

    Take a multi B complex supplement on a daily basis. The B complex of vitamins is needed to support a healthy nervous, immune and digestive system and will help you enormously in dealing with stress.

    They are a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them, therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the side affects.

    When we are placed under added stress such as work responsibilities, relationship dramas, new house, sickness, school studies .... just daily living really... the first group of vitamins to be used up will be the B complex and in these situations we need to adjust our intake accordingly...... simply take another B complex tablet when you are stressed, as they are water soluble any excess that your body doesn't need will simply be excreted in your urine..... the B complex relies on calcium and vitamin D to be effectively assimilated so if you aren't getting enough calcium and vitamin D naturally take a calcium supplement containing vitamin D3.

    Get a supplement that includes all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they all work synergistically (as a group).

    Don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless specifically told to do so by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    Eat more foods rich in magnesium ~ magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal with stressy situations and just the daily grind of life better.

    foods rich in magnesium are ~ leafy and green vegies, nuts and seeds, wholegrain cereals and breads and cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, salmon and whiting........... the EFA's (essential fatty acids) in the cold water fishes do a brilliant job for me for equalising my moods and stress levels, i try to eat some description of fish each day..... but each person is different and you need to find your own level.

    Magnesium is needed in the body for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and of course for heart health. Foods rich in magnesium will also aide in eliminating constipation by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid in the tummy and thus assisting in digestion............ magnesium rich foods will also cure an acid tummy.

    Drink loads of fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

    Other things that could be robbing you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, most otc cold medicines actually, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, antiobiotics ,antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin, laxatives and diuretics, the oral contraceptive .

    Quite a handfull of information here ........ sorry it's a bit long winded but you need to know all this.

    Get out in the fresh air and sunshine (vitamin D) and exercise as this will naturally raise the levels of serotonin in your brain and just make you feel fine ........... hey, even if its a walk in the park, chasing your mates or your kids around the shopping centre or even jumping in puddles when it rains, so long as it puts a smile on your dial buddy .......... works for me ♥

    Good luck with everything buddy .............. just remember, 99% of what you worry about never actually happens mate♥

    I sincerely wish you the best of health & vitality buddy and hope that you at least drink more water if you aren't already doing that♥♥♥


  6. Heya Roxy,

    Too much studying for exams could have led to severe stress and that in turn could lead to stomach problems like these.

    There is a huge possibility that you could have GERD (Gaso-Easophagel Reflux Disorder) because of irregular food habits, stress and strain, over exhaustion and dehydration!

    For starters have fruit juices like orange, musambi (sweet lime)...etc which are watery with salt AND sugar. This will help rstore the fuild electrolyte balance. You can also have fruie juices with antacid salts like ENO. Never starve or in the name of dieting stay hungry! Have soothing food like curd, buttermilk, milk shakes with ice-cream...all chilled.

    Watch out for acid foods like sauerkraut, alcohol, tamarind based food, vinegar rich food, pickles...very hot and spicy foods...they hurt the tummy worse...

    The best thing is you might have to consult a doctor for some ranitidine/omeprazole tablets...and these are a full-course medication which reduced GERD drastically!

    Hope you get well soon dear!

  7. You should just go to the doctor and find dont have to take meds just bc you go to the doc to find out what's wrong.  just to rule out anything serious.

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