
Remember Corporal Punishment in schools?

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I agree that we bring it back! I had a fear for the teachers' guava whip, ruler, stick,etc - and talk about maximun respect (especially if yuh doh like them) Today kids are real lucky to escape that phase, but won't it have been benefical in implementing disclipine in our nation schools?




  1. Yuh eh see since dey take out Corporal punishment, dem children feel dey get too big? DEY now in turn beating de teachers, no respect for them, walking with weapon, fighting.

    I say bring it back and fast.

  2. You know what? Anyway you want to slice it...whether you think licks was bad or not, we didn 't have all them c**p then that we having now. Right now all the power gone to the look at them too hard and police ready to come lock you up. But yet when ten years down the road the kid stealing and killing and high on drugs the police ready to lock them up to. Guess what if licks would have prevented it, then I say yes - bring it back (though it don't work on everybody).

    If we honest we'll remember the times when we didn't do something because we know we would get licks but when we got older and got a little "common sense" we were glad that we didn't.

    Last but certainly not least...there's a reason why the Bible say " spare not the rod and spoil the child," but in addition to that remember that saying we used to have back home, "who don't hear must feel?" Well I prefer that they feel the licks when they young and they straighten up than they feel when they in jail or something like that.

  3. Well, this is a popular topic.  I could write forever about why I think this is not  the way to go.  You really already stated why we should be opposed to this form of guidance. FEAR!!  I  think that there is enough evidence in our world that this simply solves the problem at the moment but creates a attitude within societies and individuals that "might makes right."  People learn to deal with problems through experiences in early childhood.  So, you actually ADD to the environment that you are trying to lessen (violence in schools, child abuse, over crowded jails)  Recently (the video is everywhere) a video showing the mom hosing down her 2 year old at a car wash....this is where it starts.....then the mom continues with perhaps harsher means  as this girl gets older because this is how she deals with problems.....POWER, FEAR, CONTROL..... Yes, there is compliance!! Yes the mother is feared!!!  However, the residue of this will be like a disease for this young girl as she matures and has trust/mistrust about the world and her role in it. I know that many posts will agree with you..."we need to get tougher on kids" but I propose we look at our issues with violence in relation to other industrialized countries.  We could learn a lot from countries that have far less domestic crime/violence, less rapes, teen age pregnancies, murder.  A new "tone" is needed don't you think?  Think of the times you were motivated to do something in your life. (IE your example of school behavior)  The times that you were motivated is when you were engaged because you had some sort of "ownership" in it.  A voice.  You could make some decisions and contribute and develop a  sense of pride and confidence by belonging to something that was deeply personal.  I think this is the problem not the solution. It is difficult to let go of power and control when you have it or think you DESERVE it......Respect within communities (school) is developed through exchange and discovery that promotes the individual as a unique important piece.

  4. I remember at my school it was called Getting the paddle!  I think if they had torture rooms they should be a "safe place" for the teachers to go to for safety.  SOME Kids don't fear anything.

    If you live in TNT you have put your question in the right place.  Had you put it in single and dating I would consider that a wrong thing.

  5. I remember getting licks in primary school in T&T about fifteen years ago and I don't think that there is any positive result.  I would understand if we only were beaten for actually doing something wrong, but it seemed like our teachers used to take out personal frustration on us and hit for things we could not control, like getting exam questions wrong.

  6. ohhhh I remember alright! :)

    and yes it should be back! teach those smart *** kids a lesson!

  7. Yeah...and I remember Major Pain was always around, too.  8^\

  8. Definitely, it'll rid the world of this so-called "ADD" disease that everyone seems to think they have.


  9. I remember that, we had less crimes in school then.

    I wonder why?  I turned out ok.. real ok.. lol

  10. i started school just as that was beig phased out but I got the strap a couple times and that was enough for me.

  11. I also agree that we bring it back to a degree where teachers don't take advantage of the situation. There are too many teenagers going bad or behaving as if there is no one who can tell them anything.

    It's only when something happens then people talk about what could have been done to keep them in line...

  12. i think it is beneficial.

    licks eh nutten buh learning by trial and error

    yuh try and it wrong yuh @$$ geh WARM

    yuh try and it was good u are rewarded.

    so yeah it beneficial it would cut down all these lil half @$$ boys in school feelin dey is man and kno so much and gettin in trouble and givin dey family grief.

    also all dese lil gyal hu feel dey is oman

    yes we need to bring back de whip, it go hurt dem now but in de long run help

    licks doh kill

    but also this discipline is not needed at school only...let some parents learn to control and discipline their mucnhkins and home too

    peace and to Perrocacah man bun u eh!!

  13. It certainly would cut down on gangs, drug activity, and overall criminal activity. One reason why society is overruned with criminals is a lack of proper discipline when they are growing up. Another reason are the crazy laws which prevent parents from properly disciplining their kids today. A kid calls the police and says their parents hit them, the parents will likely be facing assault charges, possibilty of losing their kid, or worse. Society is on a very  steep acceleration level to self destruction, unless we bring common sense and morals in general.

  14. Those teachers who hurts their students are not at all teachers, we are not animals,we have sixth sense.fortunately I had some very good teachers"Who has sixth sense".

  15. Ah give them bread and ham together witha pastel. Ginger bread, puncha creme and sorrelllllll...

    He turn to me and said "OH yes Trini Christmas is the best!!!"

    Enough ah that on to the question Robin!!

    Listen. I get licks, licks, and more licks.  As of today me aint kill nobody, me aint rob nobody, and life nice.

    Bring the t'ing back.

  16. I don't think bringing back corporal punishment is the answer. The real answer is bringing back RESPECT from students. Speaking as a teacher, the main problem today is that there's no fear of any consequences for negative behaviour. Respect for authority figures and reinforcement of acceptable behaviour starts at home with the parents. If there were actual consequences for most kids who misbehaved then teachers would have a much easier time and schools would run more smoothly.

  17. we'll i think you should treat every one the same.

  18. They cannot bring it back a parent is not even allowed to whip their children but I agree with you that is why we have so many delinquents out there up to mischief because of those who have cried wolf and then again there are the real tragedies

  19. good luck with that one.  you can't even touch a child today without getting child abuse charges.  same with everything else.  unions, harassment, affirmative action etc.  sure there are good reasons for them, or at least there was, but people today abuse all of them too much so it makes it worse for our society in the end.

  20. i dont remember it born in 1981 and i never got hit by my partent .. yet i was a good child that never needed that type of punishment.. but i still see the rear end as an erogonous zone and think a lot of hitting in that area will desenitize it in future sexual realationship.. just my take on it..

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