
Remember during a gasoline crisis several years ago, in the seventies I think?

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Because of the spiraling cost of gas the speed limit was reduced from 65 down to 55MPH? What effect did that have in reducing consumption and bringing down the price of gas. I know that at over four bucks per gallon, people are starting to moan and groan but that's about all. Maybe it'll hurt a bit more in our pockets when it hits six or seven bucks a gallon.




  1. its just because cars get their best mpg at 55

  2. yes it was in the 70,s i went through it then,and lowering the speed limit didn't help any,they thought it would but it actually didn't do anything to lower prices,the thing about it ,when it went up it never came back down to what it was before it went up,its going to be the same way this time too,people are hurting right now,because most jobs don't pay as much as they should be paying,so they have to make a choice of what to buy ,gas or food,isn't it great,at least then it wasn't as bad as it is now,i never had to make choices,but many people do,lets hope your wrong on the seven bucks a gallon,good luck.

  3. You must be from my era. I remember that well. We were supposed to save fuel while driving slower. Must not have worked considering the cost of fuel today. I think you and I were snookered then and we are paying now.

    I want gas back at 33cents per gallon

  4. When people under 80 years old start voluntarily driving slower than the speed limit, you'll know the gas prices are really hurting.

  5. The only thing the 55 mph speed limit did was raise the sales of radar detectors and increase the amount of speeding tickets written. It did not reduce consumption or the price of gas. The price of gas just keep going up like it always has. What people need top complain about are poor timing on traffic lights,unnecessary stop signs that cause a lot of unnecessary stop and go driving.

  6. 28MPG - In my car. (little 4 cylinder POS Toyota Truck)

    Something ridiculous like 50+ on my Moto.

    I am trying right now to use less gas...but it will take more than high prices for us all to start really doing something.

  7. You got your history mixed up.

    The speed limit was lowered in hopes of SAVING GAS, because there was a shortage.

    We have no shortage, you can buy all you want for $4.25.

    If you want to save gas, get some small car and go 55.  Hope you don't get run over by some SUV.

  8. I will never reduce my speed.  NEVER!

    my MPG gauge gives me better mileage when I drive fast anyway

  9. Definitely reduces fuel consumption and thus less demand of oil should help bring oil prices down.

  10. I don't know what good it did.    That was the late 70s when the gas crisis hit.  In the early 80s the "drive 55" thing became cool.  By the end of the 80s it was out of fashion... so I guess it didnt' really save that much gas.

    I have a better answer.  Junk the big SUV (8-15 mgp) and get something like a Prius (54 mpg) or Toyota Yaris (35 mpg).

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