
Remember how The Democrats were supposed to have trouble uniting - Look now?

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The Clintons have given their rousing support to Obama. Both Bill and Hillary gave great speeches on his behalf. There were no fights or dissension at the convention.

But now the Republicans have Barr splitting off and running on Libertarian party. Ron Paul is having his own convention in the twin cities. All sorts of people in the Republican Party are confused over the Palin pick.

Who is the party of Unity now?




  1. Most of the democrats are voting republican this year. They do not believe in racism and killing newborn babies, which is what obama stands for.

  2. Republicans are very confused because they have no real message and they have varying indefensible views on the issues. The Palin choice has also defused their major criticism of Obama and has added some very distracting issues. The Democrats are the party of unity now.  

  3. You are not very well versed on politics are you?  

  4. Rousing support...Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, Phleger, Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton. Sounds like a who's who of morons.

  5. Just because the Clinton's made a speech in favor of Obama, doesn't mean they actually support him.  See Republicans don't go with popular opinion and refuse to conform with the rest of the party just because a few elitist tell them they'd better or else.   They are independent thinkers unlike the Democrats who can't make a decision without consoling Micheal Moore and the rest of the Liberal attack dogs.  

  6. Bill and Hillary both gave convention speeches, sure.   I wouldn't exactly call them heart-felt or "rousing".   I would call them mandates of the demorcrat party.   If Hillary wants to run in 2012, she has to stay cozy with the party so she doesn't get thrown under the bus again like this year.  They probably both wish Obama would leave the race somehow.  Bill didn't even stay around for BO's speech.  CNN reported that Hillary's speech appeared to be insincere.   To top it all, a Hillary supporter has filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in PA challenging BO's status to run for President under the Constitution.   The judge assigned to the case was appointed by Bill Clinton.  Nice try.

  7. hi im earth...have we met?  The palin pick totally solidified the conservative base.

  8. Not the Democrats, I know, I am one.  They had their unity lovefest in Denver for the cameras last week, but real Democrats know Obama is a bad choice and do not support him.

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