
Remember how your parents used to say.....?

by Guest63963  |  earlier

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"If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"

Well, what if you have something to say that you know won't make the other person happy? What if it is necessary to say something that isn't so nice? Do you totally disregard prior advice?




  1. I think your parents meant not to hurt anyone feelings with needless meaness.  Sometimes it is very neccessary to be frank and yes, sometimes rude.

  2. The saying,

    "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"

    Is more directed at the kids that would go around insulting other people, just to hurt them.  But if you dont take pleasure in telling a person something bad, and its to help the person, then its okay.

  3. well sometimes what you are going to say that's considered bad may actually make things better in the future.i think that saying is very simplified because kids couldn't comprehend the whole reason of the line.and as a parent kids have no tact and sometimes tell people things that are hurtful.

  4. advice is advice, they're not rules

    so there will be cases where you have to make exceptions

  5. i always think that when people are being jerks to the less popular kids

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