
Remember playing in heavy juerseys, the "magic sponge" playing with blood & the call "cattle dog" ?

by  |  earlier

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Where have those days gone ? Ok it was h**l compared to today, but differences where sorted out on the paddock, all injuries were "cured" with the sponge, a scrum was a real scrum, a hooker was more than a dummy half and the coaches rule was to pounch on at the first scrum ! Now 15-20 years later you get porcelein venners to replace those top teeth haha !




  1. idk

  2. I understand what you are saying and im only 15 so i have only seen replays of the match's but the standard of todays league is much better than15-20 years ago so you have to be more fit than the players of old had to be. League use to be a game of forwads and halfbacks now it is more about five-eigths, wingers etc. but im not saying the forwads arent used they are important but not as important. as for the scrums they have been known to injure spines lessening the span of their career. as for injuries because of the pace the game is at the injuries are more severe and players are thinking long term instead of thinking short term like they used to.

  3. personally I was there for the change from heavy arsed cotton to light weight micro, I don't miss those old jerseys especially when playing in the rain. yes being able to punch the c**p out of each other than half an hour later laugh about it and half a few beers was great, unfortunately those days are gone.

    thank guys like that dog "Jarrod muckraking" macraken, who sued guys outside of the league, what the F&*K was that about,

    the scrum today is a joke, just a thing to run set plays of. todays hooker's don't have to be tough like they used to.

    I like the old style footy, its a sad day when rugby union players have more  biffs than league.

  4. Good old days eh.

    Bring back the Biff!!!

  5. I never played but do remember the players looked so mean back them and i am sure they were bigger but not as fast and fit as presant day, scrums are a bit of time wasting now they do not seem to do much.I can still picture blokes getting up pretty quick when that sponge got near.and i prefer to sit in the spit and sawdust at the game rather than under cover in case you get wet.Can you explain Cattle dog i did not get that

  6. Those days are gone - the wallabies are even playing in juerseys with built in man bras to help them perform.

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