
Remember the A-21 fuel alternative introduced back in 94'-96' by scientist-"Gunnerman' of Reno, Nevada ?

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Promisses of 60 cent a gallon fuel for our cars and diesel big-rigs finally caught the attention of the Feds-(IETO and the Energy Dept) after extensive refinement and testing by Caterpillar and Gunnerman. The big thing is that Gunnerman developed an additive package that allowed water and naptha to combine ,and remain stable for at least a year, as a gas and diesel alternative that required minor mods in those engines and cut nearly in half the nitrious emmissions per mile. The fuel btu content was nearly identical but .0012 less.Compare that to an average 25% drop in fue mileage in cars capable of running a 10% ethonal mix. I say sue your state for mandating an ethanol blend because it essentially is a hidden tax that does nothing more than to fill the void of lost tax collection loop-holes crafted by the ultra -rich.




  1. Excuse me, but....

    Gunnerman and his fuel schemes where all proven to be bogus.  All of his data... bogus...  

    Gunnerman has promoted one amazing technological advancement after another and each of them has been shown to be bogus...  Now the only amazing thing about Gunnerman is how in world is this character allowed to walk free in the streets.

    Sorry to pop your balloon mate.

  2. The book Voodoo Science by Robert L. Park devotes an entire chapter to debunking Gunnerman.  The whole book is an eye-opener.

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