
Remember when the Russians were starving because they didn't have enough potatoes?

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When was it? I can't find it but I know it wasn't too long back.

I just thought of it because the Russians just said that they don't need Europe, Nato etc. Let's hope they don't run out of potatoes again then uh?




  1. It was around the early 90's that they had problems with the harvest. Soldiers were used to help get stuff out of the fields.

  2. Simply, the Russian famine started in 1917, and ended in 1922. A very sad time for the many thousands of people affected.

  3. don't forget that western europe helped kill 18 000 000 russians during ww2 - why would they want to be part of europe? russians are cool and fun to party with

  4. Russia, or more correctly the New Soviet Union, is like Saudi Arabia; it has a lot of gas and oil but very little of anything else, including sane thinking.

    The people of Russia are not interested in or have any historical connection to or with what we call 'democracy' here in the West.  What the Russian people want is a powerful Tsar and they've got one in Putin.

    This strutting midget thinks he can stride the world stage on equal terms with the USA and her NATO allies.  Well he d**n well cannot and we don't want him at the top table with us.

    The UK remains a staunch and strong ally of the United States no matter what, nothing is ever going to change that.

    My attitude is set.  Here's my message to Russia, "grow up and stop expanding your greedy poverty striken empire".

    Also, making unsuportive threats against the USA or any other NATO member is a threat against the collective might and power of all member nations of the NATO alliance.

    United we stand with our leaders in the USA.

    Russia, go down and eat worms.

  5. well that have been many times in history when the Russian people have starved, perhaps the back in 1917, or indeed in WW2, when millions died through the war, Stalin, and shortage of food overall. I cannot remember a time later on, but perhaps a historian can throw some more facts on this.

    Aliens  not western europe, but Stalin and his communist thugs, regime

    ok i have copied this

    .The Russian famine of 1921, better known as Povolzhye famine, which began in the early spring of that year, and lasted through 1922, was a severe famine that occurred in Bolshevik Russia. The famine, which killed an estimated 5 million, affected mostly the Volga-Ural region.[1][2][3]

    The famine resulted from the combined effect of the disruption of the agricultural production, which already started during World War I and continued through the disturbances of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Russian Civil War with its policy of War Communism, especially prodrazvyorstka. One of Russia's intermittent droughts that happened in 1921 aggravated the situation to the level of the national catastrophe. In many cases recklessness of local administration, which recognized the problems only too late, contributed to the problem. Hunger was so severe that it was doubtful that seed-grain would be sown rather than eaten. At one point, relief agencies had to give grain to the railroad staff to get their

    To Stave Off Potato Crisis

    ScienceDaily (June 19, 2001) — WARSAW, Poland -- Russia is teetering on the brink of a large-scale potato crisis ignited by the same virulent, fungal-like pathogen, Phytophthora infestans , more commonly called late blight, that was responsible for the 19th century Irish potato famine.

  6. My mother was told to ''eat everything on her plate think of all the hungry children in Europe'' She also told me after the war [WW2] her school would have food drives to send ''care packages' to the U K and Europe and that was in the 50's

    I remember as a boy the U S of A was upset with Canada for selling wheat to the U SS R and when they would not stop we under cut their market and sold to them

    The old f**t in Cuba concealed Xmas so everyone could harvest sugar than called it a slave crop than told them to plant it again

    For that uninformed post American farmers are the most productive in the world and can compete with anyone you really should stop watching your BBC

  7. russia is a very strong country but until now due to Communism all the power and money was concentrated at the government. since then allot have changed. in greece we have thousands of illegal russian immigrants that came to greece to find work and food since Greece is the richest country in the area. now they r going back to russia ,i guess the conditions in their country r becoming better. russia is a superpower again. now whether this is god or bad depends where u live . as a greek it makes no difference to me . if i was english or american i would be worried if i was Chinese i probably would be happy. what can u do ?cant keep everybody satisfied

  8. It has nearer home, too.   There was a potato famine in Ireland and England was dumping potatoes.

    We need continually to learn new and better ways.

  9. no your either talking about after WW! or while the n***s were destroying their country.

    they don't need nato but as a major energy resource owners nato and the usa need them more

    their agriculture has moved on but then again so has the USA. USA agriculture has to be propped up with subsidies as it cant compete against free enterprise countries

  10. ya, well, we were lucky we had our "Freedom Fries" to get us through the rough times~!!

  11. let's hope that we in Britain don't start starving soon, will all the prices on food and gas going up. Russia and China are now blooming and this is the reason, probably why the rest of the world is actively making enemies out of them.  

  12. ...........And remember when the Irish were starving when they did not have enough potatoes?

  13. my mom remembers that time, i think it was either the late 70s or the 80s

  14. i no like potatoes

  15. that was IRELAND not RUSSIA. Look up Irish potato famine

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