
Remembering Princess Diana it has been said that she reached out to the excluded and forgotten can you do this

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in your own life>>???Her death 10 years yesterday and I can remember exactly where I was when she had the car accident and how I prayed for her in the hospital that night.....




  1. Rena, are you from England?

  2. Amen to that.  It would be nice if people carried on Diane's charitable work and not focus so much on all the negative stuff.  Unfortunately, some people love to harp on the negative rather than the positive... what a world we live in, eh?

  3. i awoke Sunday morning i felt a vibe that something was not right.i remember my father telling me the sad news.the first thing i said, no it cannot be true.i felt a great sadness. i liked princess Diana a lot she was one of the good ones.the whole of England was mourning that day.a unity of sorrow brought on  from a great fallen some stupid accident that should not of happened.but life is full of horrible twists and turns.i will never forget such a Princess as Diana.  R.I.P

  4. I would love to be able to do what she did, unfortunately, I don't have the resourses she had.

    Though I do try to do what I can.

    I was out camping and couldn't sleep so was listening to the radio.  

    It was my 46th birthday that day.

  5. may god rest her soul in peace...

    have a nice day...

  6. I am sure she is in a better place than we are, If you believe in Angels I am sure she is one.

  7. Nope.  Not gonna do it.

    I do encourage everyone to WEAR THEIR FREAKING SEATBELTS as a tribute, though.

  8. I was truly shocked and devastated when the  Good Princess died! God surely took back one of his Angels that day! The world needs more people like her.

  9. This is a wonderful question. She did reach out to people who were forgotten and uncared for. I just wonder if she could have done it because she related to these people. She felt forgotten on a very deep level.  Her life on many levels became an acting process (as it is with all royals).

    I would love to be able to reach out to more people - especially people who need help, but I'm not sure how to do that without attracting parasites and hanger-ons who don't really need your help, and are just eating up your energy and resources. It's not an excuse. I will continue to look for ways to help.

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