
Remembering a passed loved one at a wedding ceremony?

by Guest33808  |  earlier

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My finance's favorite Grandpa passed away a few years because of cancer and he is really upset that he won't be at the wedding. What are some good ways to remember him that will be meaningful but won't make all the family break out in huge tears?

I've thought of a couple ways like reading his favorite verse or playing his favorite song (Amazing Grace) but I just wanted to see what else yall could come up with. Thanks!




  1. my dad passed away 1 year ago, I will be married in may.  For my 15th birthday, 7 yrs ago, he wanted the sleeping beauty waltz to be played and it just didnt happen.  We will be playing it as our first dance.

  2. A cousin of mine passed away a few years ago, and we're putting a rose on an empty chair that he would have sat in with a sign that says, "In loving memory of -insert name-"

    A song, a verse, anything else will bring people to hysteric tears (or, it would in my family. So we thought this would be the best way to honor him without having it be the funeral all over again. We're also considering putting the rose in a beer mug because he was a beer guy.

  3. the first answer is what I was going to say.  My fiance's mom died about 10 years ago (I never got to meet her) and my grandpa died 9 years ago so during the ceremony two chairs in the front row are going to have a single white rose on them in memory of them.  my ggrandpa and I were really clsoe and Justinw as a mama's boy so it means a lot for us to include them some way.  I was thinking about a reading or mentioning their names but we know we'll both start crying so uncontrolably it'll ruint he ceremony so we're sticking with this.

  4. have a picture of him blown up and hung where he can be part of it  

  5. my MIL passed away in 98 from colon cancer and we were married on her birthday of 2003.. we had a candle lit in the church and the priest made mention of her and the candle during the ceremony and then at the reception we had a picture of her with a birthday balloon and at the end of the night my husband, son and I went out side with a bunch of ballons and released them in her honor this was a real private thing just for us.  

  6. Grand Pa will be watching over you both so nothing else is nesacary

  7. I've seen this done at several weddings with a rosebud in a vase somewhere on the altar. Then, if you're having a program, just mention what the significance of the rosebud is in the program. I had planned on doing this in memory of grandfathers as well, but we didn't have an altar. Doing something like reading his favorite verse or playing Amazing Grace may bring too much of the focus onto mourning his passing rather than focusing on the joy of your marriage.

    Good luck!!!

  8. I am in the same situation, my mom passed away about 8 years ago (will be almost 9 by the time of my wedding) and I had one set of my grandparents pass away 4 months later and within 4 days of each other (!)... so this is what I am going to do...

    I am having a page printed up that I'm gonna put in a frame next to a candle (and either on the cake table or by the guest book, I'm not sure yet) and it's gonna say, "This candle is lit in remembrance of all our loved ones that couldn’t be here with us tonight, but are always with us in spirit..." and then I have their names listed below that with their relationship to us.

    For instance, at the top of the list is my mother and so I have her name, and then below it in slightly smaller lettering, "~*~Mother of the Bride~*~".... then I have my grandparents listed, with underneath it saying "~*~Grandparents of the Bride~*~"... etc...

    I did it this way cuz it's simple and not overbearing, everyone *should* see it, and won't really take away from the joy of the day, like a big speech/reading or something might...

    Good luck, hope this helps!

  9. Here are a few ways that you might be able to honor him - although I like the idea of playing his favorite song. I think that would be very nice.

    - Set up a special small table at the wedding reception with a flower arrangement and a card saying "In loving memory James Johnson, grandfather of the groom."

    - At the reception set up a display on the guestbook table with a picture of collage of pictures of him and his grandpa.

    - Have him wear a piece of jewelry or an article of clothing that belonged to his grandfather.

    - Add a special mention of his grandfather in the wedding program "Today we honor those you could not be with us, especially the groom's grandfather James Johnson."

    - Have your officiant say a few words about his grandfather

    - Leave an empty chair at the ceremony for his grandfather and place a rose in the chair in his honor.

    - I honored my grandmother by using her wedding band. Maybe if your fiance has his wedding band he could use that or wear it that day.

  10. We are putting them in the program at the end after we thank our parents, etc. It will just say "Today we honor the memories of those who could not join us here. Especially (list of names)." We are not doing anything morbid or overly dramatic but we are remembering them.  

  11. many people mention passed loved ones at wedding.  A very common thing is to leave one empty seat at the front and to say we have left an empty seat here in memory of our loved ones who have passed, you can list their names at this time too along with a passage or verse.  The song is your choice but it might make it too sad for your groom and his relative to go through that too especially his grandmother.

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