
Remodeling Bathroom Need Advice With Tile Work

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Ok, here's the deal. We bought a house, soon found out the upstairs bathroom leaks whenever the shower in used. So, we have redone the tiling on the floor, but in the process of checking some things, some wall tiles were cracked. The house is over 40 years old and the bathroom tile (on the wall) is SOOO outdated no one sells that color anymore! I only need about 20-40 tiles to be finished and want to do this as inexpensively as possible! I have read painting tile is pretty hard and not recommended. I read something about vinyl wall paper squares to cover the tile, but can't find much info on it. Any and all suggestions or help would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!




  1. In 35 years of construction, I have never seen, or even heard of, placing vinyl paper on tiles.  Nor would I even consider it in a wet area such as your bathroom.

    I would suggest removing the damaged tiles and replacing them with an accent color in a "random" pattern, which is not a pattern at all.  Sizes of tiles have stayed fairly consistent though colors seem to change with the weather.

    Any flooring or decor company that sells tile can offer advice on the best colors and the procedures to accomplish this.

  2. put in a bunch of tiles similar to the floor, remove more than just the cracked tiles and spread the new ones around to look like an intentional random pattern.

  3. Well it sounds like your looking to reuese the tiles in the shower. I would use a diamond blade in a hand held grinder and grind off any mortar if your reusing them. There are some used tile stores. You could look around on the interenet. I would choose another color that looks good with the current tile and either put a band of the color tiles around the shower or place some in random spots to look like accent tiles.

  4.    I tile every day of my life, and in part agree with 'Einstien"

       I also want to assume that you don't think of a 40 year old house as ancient.

       Beyond that I'd like to assume you may be there awhile, and I'd re-do what you don't like, not just cover or patch. Even if your intention is to FLIP the house, bathrooms and kitchens are what sell a house. Inexpensive is hardly the case in 2008, but in a remodel, you can regain your costs. pace the job.

       Not knowing at all how 20 - 40 tiles relates to size, 4 inch, 6 inch squares, any random sizes in a pattern, etc. certainly for a FIXER you can use something that contrasts or coordinates.

    Just my two "sense"

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