
Remote viewing fiction or reality?

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I've been reading books on this subject and have seen tv shows where subjects demonstrate their ability to remote view on life TV.

The theory of one consciousness that we can have access to, it's very appealing to me.

What are your thoughts on this regard?




  1. Your question does not make sense. Do not belive what you see on TV is all I can say.

  2. It was indeed tried by government as a way to gather information about other countries, but the program was terminated in 1995.

    It was (unfortunately) called "Stargate"

    There have been, then and now, "demonstrations" of this ability shown on TV but whenever the experiments were verified, there was always a trick or a loophole found (it was not always "cheating" as sometimes, the subject themselves were not aware that the experiment was flawed).

    I have stopped paying attention to that around 10 years ago.  As far as I can tell, they have made no real progress, except in finding more cable networks eager to provide their audience with special thrills.

  3. Since it has never been proven and there is no scientific base for it, it is maybe something we find out, if we could figure out what the 5th dimension is and how it works. Science knows, that there are a more dimensions, but we only can see and understand 4.

  4. no evidence exists that this is anything more than a myth.

    try some real science some time. it's way more interesting.

  5. This has absolutely nothing to do with Astronomy & Space. Try posting in parapsychology, or one of its related pseudosciences.

  6. what's the use? to remote view a woman taking shower?

  7. I think it is not only possible, I believe it does happen, and so what if it is in the wrong section according to some.... science would have been utilized at some point to create the technology.... so maybe the choice of section is not so far off..

    So long as it is not used to create more mayhem than what is already there, it could prove to be very useful......  just my thoughts.  :)

  8. Yes, if we were able to do this, then we would be able to determine if we are alone in the universe. We could possibly remotely view life on another planet if this theory is in fact true. Not only that, but we could explore space much easier by sending long living organisms deep into space and remotely view their position and what they see.

    This could be the next stage for human intelligence.

    Interesting topic. It should probably be posted in the correct section, but still very interesting!

  9. Despite documentaries and books on this and many other paranormal subjects, no one has ever been able to do this under proper conditions.  If anybody had the ability, they could have taken the Randi challenge any time over the last quarter century and walked away with a million dollars.

    But nobody has.

    I have seen some of these claims being "put to the test" on television and the procedures and methods of evaluation are laughable.  Somebody is always out there pleading their case and trying to be a woo-woo celebrity.

    There is also no theoretical basis for such a claimed ability and it would have to be built on assumptions which would be clear violations of physical laws.  Not a very good starting point for a claim which has never been demonstrated.

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