
Removal of Oak Panelling from Alfred Hitchcock Flat???

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Should this have been allowed to have happened?

The current owner of Alfred Hitchcock`s London flat removed the panelling on the QT; sold it to a dealer on the QT who sold it to a client (an American) on the QT.

There was no planning application; no public debate; no real advertisement that the panelling had been removed and was up for sale.

Smacks of an inside job.

But, the fundamental question, will the American be allowed to remove Hitchcock`s panelling from the UK and will he be able to get proper accreditation to do so?

I have written to the Planning Department at the Royal Borough of Kensington and CHelsea to enquire if the panelling should have been removed without the owner having lodged a planning application.

Anyone have any ideas?




  1. Does this flat have one of those little blue plaques outside saying Alfred Hitchcock lived here?. If the answer is yes then that flat is of national interest and I would have thought that planning permission would have to have been sought for the removal.

    Many such buildings though privately owned have had to adhere to just restriction and everything has to be kept insitu so to speak.

    If it is not of any particular interest I would assme that planning is not a requirement in theis instance.

    Kudos for you in trying to stop this from happening. All to often national treasures have ended up the otherside of the Pond.

    My hubby outbid and amercian for a very old table that had come out of and old school house just because it was made of elm wood and had the ravages of time all over it including woodworm ink stains and the ever imposing sight of gouged out names of pupils of the school.

    This Amercian was totally affronted and challanged my hubby outside the auctions rooms as to his right to outbid her. She had come over here with a big shipping container and was buying furniture etc., to sell in her auction rooms in Manhattan.

    So you stick by your guns here too much of history is being erroded and sent abroad.

  2. Really this has got nothing to do with you so why are you making yourself busy?

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