
Remove a project forward with the help and money of many

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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What do they have in common social project Portal ' Cuidadano ' Brigade, Enrique Fernández comics, book documentary The man who was there and the icon of tambourine Aa Country Study? These four artistic and social proposals were fully supported through crowdfunding, crowdfunding a way that is gaining more followers in Spain between creators, artists, designers and entrepreneurs. Through sponsorship you can get a project up and get the necessary financial resources, in addition to involving consumers from the origin to the final outcome of the product or cause being defended.

The crowdfunding and moves 9.7 million euros in Spain and in the last year has grown by 27 %, according to Investor Partners. One of the reasons that caused this way forward is funding the rise of the figure of the self and the scarcity of bank credit, which has led many entrepreneurs and creators to get the money outside conventional circles, says Carlos Martinez, director and professor of IMF Business School.

This growth is also reflected in the recent creation of a Spanish Association Crowdfunding where " financing platforms, freelancers and service firms " are included, says Xavier Olivella, president of the organization. The organization aims to promote this form of financing, bringing together the voices of all professionals who are dedicated to it and publish a code of practice to protect patrons and investors. " Crowdfunding has always existed, but they need to be legally protected. The example of collective financing is easier to imagine a wedding. That everyone participates and contributes with their gifts, whether objects or money. That, adapted to the times, the business world and credit is what is known as crowdfunding "says Olivella.

Success stories The artist Enrique Fernandez decided to use a crowdfunding platform for the " sweet " that is " certain parallels make products that otherwise might not see the light " as artbooks and merchandising, says the author of Brigade, a series of medieval epic fantasy, which raised 11,000 euros more than planned (the project had a budget of 39,000 euros), reaching 50,000 through Verkami platform. A Fernández, who has worked in the world of animation and illustration in the Franco- Belgian market, what attracts him crowdfunding is the freedom to control the entire process from start to finish, which is reinforces the product as a solid whole.

Cartoonist of Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) and has launched the second part of the comic on another project financed by patrons. "Anyway people should be aware that this is not a website in which you explain your project and start lloverte money. Crowdfunding platforms are not a bank that lends you money for who knows what. Here the social network is used to create projects that a good part of this network wants to achieve, support and implement. Projects have its mechanisms, its guidelines, and a lot of work behind. A good idea badly carried may run out due to lack of funding to meet certain reporting requirements or preparation and monitoring of the project. "

Crowdfunding platforms are also a tool for advertising. " We wanted to do this project, and more, in this crisis atmosphere in which we all live so we took it as a campaign to promote the study," explains Alberto Arza one of the Aa Studio designers and architect of Country tambourine, a campaign that raised Verkami four times more than expected: 4.616 euros compared to the initial budget of 1,200 euros. "We thought at first make it through the financing of other companies, but in the end we decided on the crowdfunding because it also made ​​sure us that the public liked the project," says Arza. Designers built Castellon 120 tambourines with silhouette of Spain, which have now made ​​a second edition. "The experience has been very good, with a large spread through social networks. Being a creator is a distance race and this has helped us to let us know, "said Arza.

There are also companies that use this type of financing to enable their activity. This is the case of publisher. "We are a publishing using crowdfunding as a tool to finance us, but we also take care of the whole process behind a book, as in traditional publishing," explains Marina Alonso Case, editor and responsible for relations with authors. The first author to trust them was Lorenzo Silva, who published The Works and Days through this system. After White House would rent the journalist Carlos de Vega and the book - documentary about Manuel Chaves Nogales The man who was there, and Luis Felipe Suberviola Daniel Torrente, nominated for the Goya 2014 Best Short Documentary awards. "The difference between buying a book on a shelf in front of those who give their support and money is betting on a project from its inception. There is the added value of the rewards and also it is a democratic process. The difference between our editorial and desktop publishing portals is that we care about the quality, we review the texts and monitor the whole process from start to finish, "said Roberto Perez, one of the founders of the publisher.

The added value of talking Pérez is the relationship established between the sponsor and the sponsor: " We put in the foreground the relationship between reader and writer. When you bet on a book, not only involves one personally but also is made from the trust. That solidifies as the campaign starts and interacts through the wall of the author, personal comments and public acknowledgments are left. The authors hold real conversations with readers throughout the writing process, may even receive feedback, discuss passages they are published as an update to whet your appetite even comment on the cover design, " Case added Alonso.

Supervision of a project to finish is another feature of the social experiment Portal ' Cuidadano ', managed through the drip platform. It is an initiative designed by Farapi Evidentis, a multidisciplinary group dedicated to social projects, in which the relationship and solidarity between residents of the same community is promoted.

Because we have raised 6,324 euros from 5,510 asking, from February will launch the creation of a manual of good behavior, with the help of the Red Cross Solidarity Portal in Euskadi team. This platform already has experience in more than 4,100 sites. "We want to know what needs can have that neighbor who just say hello when you see it happen. So we will meet with neighbors and make a list of needs and contributions that everyone wants to do, "said Begoña Pecharromán, social anthropologist and member of the organization.

Patrons who have contributed ideas and money will have " direct communication " with the group of residents involved in the project. "The benefits of participating in a project of collective financing is that many people who are not even close to be involved," says the anthropologist. "In June we will have edited the guide and will be available to everyone, which is one of the requirements that the platform requires Drip present at the beginning of the project," says anthropologist. This platform, as well as a channel for collective financing power projects to promote free and open source knowledge.

 Tags: forward, help, money, project, REMOVE


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