
Remove birthmark???!??

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is there any way to? i do not want to wait until it fades. it is on my leg, its medium size and medium dark. is there any way i can get rid of it at home? like home formula's or something? can you tan over it???? i know lemon juice helps lighten it or something, but i don't know how much to use or how long to use it or anything like that. so answers with that would help me out too. please don't say love yourself for who you are because you don't know the circumstances. please help me!!!!!!! the sooner the gone, the better! easy ten points for best answer!!! that actually works.




  1. I also have a medium dark birthmark on the inside of my upper thigh that is approximately 6 inches around.  I do know that it tans as you tan, so make sure you use sun block on it religiously.  I had a dermatologist look at mine and he said the only way to get rid of it was to have it cut out/lasered off or something like that, but did not recommend it because the scar tissue would not be worth it.

    I got some grief for my birthmark as a kid, but once I got into high school everyone was used to it and it didn't hold me back at all socially.  Hang in there!

  2. Is it a mole (over top the skin, petruding upwards) or flat like an actual birth mark?

    A mole must be removed by cutting it out. A beauty mark can be removed by laser (just like how they remove tattoos).

    If its a mole, the doctor should be able to remove it no problem and if your in canada, at no charge. An esthetician once tied a strong around this girls mole and cut of the circulation (she said it hurt alot) a couple days later it fell off (I dont recommend this on your own).

    Unfortunatly tanning will only make it DARKER not blend in. Beauty marks are actually HARDER to remvoe then moles because they are embedded in the skin, lemon juice will lighten it but not permanently and not enough for it to disappear.

    There is a make up called COVER FX thats made by Sunnybook hospital for BURN VICTIMS to cover their scars. ITs a mineral based mousse (so less clogging of the pores) that stays on all day, and i mean ALLLL DAY! you can use a dab on your leg to hide it (it WILL HIDE IT) but your looking at around $40.00 for a compact but it will last you your whole life.

  3. Unless you want to spend alot of money at a surgeons office I got a good solution..

    Go Tanning!

    You can go in tanning beds once a week or just lay out in the sun!

    Its not as bad as people say and a little sun is actually good for you with Vitamin D! It gives you endorfins which make you happy, and all around just a pretty glow!

    plus, you wont see that birthmark after a while of tanning regularly!

    Hope this helped.
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