
Remove carpet stain?

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Need to remove black oil stains




  1. I have several things for you to try.  I use Windex for most of my carpet stains.  Since this is an oil stain, I'm not quiet sure if Windex will do the trick.  If not, try Goo Gone.  It seems to work really good. Also I have used Dawn dishwashing liquid on oil stains on my clothes and that seems to work so maybe it could work for the carpet.  Someone else mentioned WD40.  I have also heard of that before, but have never tried it.  Hope this helps!

  2. Resolve works pretty good.  spray it on and let is sit for a few minutes.  wipe it off and try it again.  

  3. try oxiclean

  4. Try using Seven up (Soft drink) , Trust me.

  5. Resolve

  6. i would try spot shot u can pick it up at any retail store i ve used it n it works pretty good for me

  7. baking soda and water make a paste and let it soak on the stain...and wash away or use a carpet shampooer

  8. Resolve is the best cheapest way to get it out. If it doesn't work that well, rent one of those floor doctor carpet cleaners, those work well for heavy duty stains.

  9. Hopefully you asked us first and did not touch the stain yet.  If so my suggestion is:

    Found out what fiber the carpet is made out of - if possible.

    If not, determine if it is a Berber (loops) or traditional carpet

    Then call this large Manufacture of Carpet and ask for the technical department and they will walk you through the stain removal.

    You do not have to tell them it is their brand, but just be nice and they will help.

    The number is 1-800-242-5299

    Good Luck.

  10. You may be in big trouble. I know of 3 things for oil stains:

    1. Awesome

    2. Simple Green

    3. WD-40

  11. I grew up with a Drycleaning business in my family.  Oil is hard, and being so dark it's not going to come out.  Try some white vinegar with a dry towel to soak up the extra.

    I think you might have to buy new carpet. :(

  12. resolve foum

  13. oil is tuff , alot of people use lighter fluid , ex: zippo fluid.. and alot of people use dish detergent for oil, dish detergent breaks down oil also.
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