It isn't a bad smell but surely not a safe smell for children or myself. Its a 30r old house we just rennovated 100%. New paints, glues, flooring, cabinets. everything emits the new smell of building products. I chose all low voc and low formaldehyde products and did hardwood instead of carpet but it still smells of fumes, Surely these aren't good for our lungs to breathe in day and night. I have opened windows and fans are circulating wihen its cool and in humid weather using AC but still I smell it when I go there.The furnace ducts were professionally cleaned this weekend, of course that didn't help with the new fumes but we did it anyway. We have to live in it next week to start the school year in it and don't want to breathe this in or for my family too. What can I do. I get headaches from strong fumes and my skin reacts too. My head hurts every time I go there.I know I can just take tylenol but still our poor lungs.