
Remove wallpaper glue from wood panels?

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Tore down some wallpaper this week, and there is wood paneling underneath. I am having a really hard time getting the glue off. Most of it is coming off, but is leaving a film. This wallpaper had to of been up over 30 years already...

I don't care very much about the state of the panels once I am finished.. just as long as they are in tact enough to PAINT. I will need to prime them, I know that... but I don't think that I can even prime over this filmy mess left on them.





  1. You can rent a steamer at home depot with a scraper.. It needs to be steamed then scrapped off.

  2. You might try mixing apple cider vinegar and hot water. Use a large sponge to wet the area then try a scrub brush.

    Or, if the glue seams to get dry enough you could go to a hardware store and ask for sand paper with the best grade for your "project." Press gently with the sand paper and move consistently in the same motion.

    I've dealt with wood paneling and its not fun at all. So, good luck. I hope this helps!

  3. Try using a wallpaper stripper solution (Zinzer) it helps activate the glue, mix it with very hot water to soften the glue, also try using a wide taping knife to scrape off the glue once it is softened.

    Good luck

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