
Removing arterial plaque?

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I found out in the past few days that my arteries are clogged with plaque, as much as 49% "stenosis" in one of the carotid arteries in my neck. I've been feeling faint and crappy because of it. I was enlightened of this because of a neck injury caused by chiropractic neck rotation, which resulted in a neck ultrasound to check for arterial damage, which I believe they found(a flapping piece of intima inside of an arterial bulb), unfortunately.

Anyways, I've been wondering if anyone can offer some methods for removing arterial plaque. I'm NOT considering taking statins (Lipitor, etc) as the cholesteral theory is BS.

Vitamin C and lysine seems promising.

Any other suggestions?




  1. This could be a book full of answers.  Just a few here.  Meat adds placque, not fruit and veggies so consider going meat free  or just reducing the number of times you eat meat or fish.

    Get yourself another chiropractor that is into whole health.

    Garlic helps to reduce plaque and also honey and cinnamon.  You can check out the honey and cinnamon by googling it on the web.  3T of honey to 2 t of cinnamon in a glass of water is what is recommended on the web.  

    Really,  please go see a doctor that specializes in natural health.  Many chiropractors, like my own, have dual degrees and some have degrees in nutrition.  Your diet and exercise routine may be out of whack, there are a lot of reasons for the build up and one of them is attributed to getting older, but all can be corrected with the proper plan.

  2. 49% is really bad. Tricore is what I'm on and  it brought my trigliserites down from 783 to 345 in just 3 months but thats not clogged arterias , if your Dr says surgerys the best way to go DO IT !!!!!  I have a friend who just did one side of his neck and he is great. Even the scar isn't bad , it saved his life and he didn't have a stroke either. That's what happen's is you stroke out , read about it and don't be afraid , they are doing this so much they have it down pat. Good luck to you.

  3. its either by drugs or by angieoplastiy. i can't spell it but that is it. its dangerous but works and i am not sure how old you are but if you are healthy enoughfor surgery do it. take care.

  4. First off, if at all possible, stop drinking chlorinated water.  I am of the opinion this is one of the primary causative agents for atherosclerosis.

    Secondly if hydrogen peroxide or ozone is injected intravenously it will do that to the veins it gets in.  I don't actually know which one is preferable since the peroxide doctors tend to insist on peroxide, while ozone people do the opposite.  If you can find a doctor who uses this technique which can be a challenge (it varies around the world) it's your best bet.  

    Additionally, I know of people having success with eating Kyolic garlic extract, followed by capsicum.

    All the other alternative therapies I have found may have effects or slightly improve your health, but their effect is rather minor compared to the things which I previously listed.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Life Extension Foundation Recommendations

    Atherosclerosis is a far-reaching disease with devastating consequences. Life Extension’s program for reducing the risk associated with atherosclerosis is based on aggressive measures to promote a healthy endothelium and reduce risk factors associated with coronary artery disease. Because all adults are at risk of atherosclerosis, all adults should make the necessary lifestyle changes to protect their arteries. This means getting adequate exercise under the supervision of a physician and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat. Also, weight loss by obese and overweight adults is an important element in reducing risk of atherosclerosis.

    People who have risk factors for atherosclerosis should take measures to modify them. Risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, obesity, elevated homocysteine, elevated risk of blood clots, and a pro-inflammatory state are covered elsewhere in this book. The ideal nutritional approach to atherosclerosis takes into consideration all existing risk factors and attempts to modify each one.

    Blood testing is a very important part of any risk-reduction program for coronary heart disease. Healthy adults should have their blood tested at least once a year. People who have heart disease or multiple risk factors should have their blood tested twice a year to monitor their progress. A comprehensive blood test will measure levels of blood lipids, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, fibrinogen, and other blood markers. Regular blood pressure monitoring is also important. Life Extension recommends an optimal blood pressure reading of 119/75. Life Extension also recommends that people aim for low levels of C-reactive protein, LDL, homocysteine, and other markers of disease. The following table summarizes the optimal ranges for various blood levels:

    Blood Test

    Standard Range

    Life Extension’s Optimal Range


    Up to 460 mg/dL

    Less than 300 mg/dL

    C-reactive protein

    Up to 4.9 mg/L

    Less than 0.55 mg/L (men)

    Less than 1.5 mg/L (women)


    Up to 15 mmol/L

    7–8 mmol/L


    Up to 199 mg/dL

    180 to 200 mg/dL


    Up to 100 mg/dL

    Less than 100 mg/dL


    No lower than 40 md/dL

    More than 50 mg/dL


    Up to 199 mg/dL

    Less than 100 mg/dL

    Finally, the following nutrients have been shown to improve endothelial function and reduce the damage caused by oxidized LDL, slowing the progression of atherosclerosis:

    Folic acid—800 to 5000 micrograms (mcg) daily

    Vitamin B12—300 to 2000 mcg daily

    EPA and DHA—1400 milligrams (mg) EPA and 1000 mg DHA daily

    PLC—1000 to 2000 mg daily

    L-arginine—3000 to 12,000 mg daily (in 3 divided doses)

    Lipoic acid—150 to 300 mg daily

    Garlic—1200 mg daily (Kyolic aged garlic extract)

    Ginkgo biloba—120 mg daily

    Green tea extract—725 mg daily (93 percent polyphenols)

    Quercetin—500 to 1000 mg daily (water-soluble quercetin)

    Vitamin C—1000 to 3000 mg daily

    Vitamin E—400 international units (IU) daily (with 200 mg gamma tocopherol)

    Vitamin K—10 mg daily

    Vitamin B6—100 to 750 mg daily

    Link to full protocol below.

    Good Luck!!!

  6. There are several remedies.  Vitamins E and C, magnesium, niacin, selenium. Foods- oatbran, onions, garlic, walnuts, artichoke hearts, ocean fish (or fish oil). Don't take the statins, I know a lady that almost died from them.  It don't happen to everybody, but how do you know it won't happen to you.

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