
Removing gnats.?

by  |  earlier

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Within the last week I've began to notice gnats in my apartment... lots of them. I keep my house very clean... so I'm surprised they're here. I've cleaned every room, vacuumed, bombed, sprayed, and they keep coming back. They seem to hang out on the walls mostly, especially in the bathroom. I've noticed that the wood of my bathroom door has swelled (as it won't shut any more)... could it be a moisture problem? Help, please!




  1. simple answer get some cider vinager and a dixie cup tape over top of cup. cut a few holes in the top of the tape for them to enter. they fly around in the cup and get stuck on the tape and die just make a few and leave them around you apt for a few days should kill them, worked great for me my kids kept leaving pop cans in basement.

  2. Sorry that this isnt more of an answer...but i have the same problem! I work in a flower shop, and we have had all kinds of gnats lately! I cleaned the entire bathroom, sink, walls, etc. with bleach,and it seems like there are more than ever!  weird. I hope you get a great answer, this is a strange phenomena...

  3. Well I  just thought - how about " gnat -proof ~fabric - mesh curtains"?on doors & windows?
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