
Removing sticky stuff

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can anyone help please i want to reuse the jars i have at home for jam,pickles,ect,but when i take the labels off they leave a sticky strip of the glue used to put them on i have tried everything to get it off does anyone know of anything that will do it without buying expensive removers that i know are available thank you.




  1. Steam works great for removing sticky things

  2. Acetone more commonly used as nail varnish remover, get a small bottle of nail varnish remover and dab some on with cotton wool, don't let it anywhere near plastics and remember more importantly it is highly flammable and a solvent, so gloves and safety glasses before you use it.  

  3. fill a sink with warm soappy water,and leave them soak over night.always works for me

  4. Methylated spirit we have used it for years just for that purpose

  5. Depending on how strong the glue is in the first place,lots of nail varnish remover should do the trick.

    The smell is a bit off-putting but a good wash in hot soapy water afterwards will get rid of it.

  6. try vinegar

  7. if you don't like using solvents try putting the washed jars in the freezer for a few hours, then holding a jar with a dishcloth around it use a dinner knife to scrape off the frozen glue. an alternative is to have your labels ready to attach as soon as the jam is in the jars and the glue should soften, stick the new labels on to the old glue.  

  8. at home depot they have a product called "glue be gone". yea! go figure. works great an has a shelf life of a century or so. cost a buck or two. good luck!

  9. I've been looking for the same thing, it's called Sticky Stuff Remover, A place called Screwfix do it.

  10. You need an aggressive solvent. Paint thinners, petrol, possibly white spirit or surgical spirit.

  11. I had the same label on a mirror, heat it with a hair dryer and slowly peel off
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