
Removing the moon?

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what would happen if the moon was just removed? what would happen to earth... i know that something would happen tot he ocean... i dont quite know what.

just curious, was thinking about writing a story and wanted some facts




  1. The Earth's axis would wobble uncontrollably.

  2. No Moon Facts:

    >no tides...shelf-fish would no longer be brought their food and could die; other shore creatures could be drowned or left high and dry.....or maybe 'mutate'   .. nee-ahh-ha-ha!

    >no light in the night....this could mess up what animals do in the night [feed, breed, travel]

    ....I'm not sure but possibly the earth would have to readjust to a new orbit, which may involve it 'tipping' over.

  3. because the moon is so heavily attracted to the earth by gravity, if it just disapeared, the earth would start to wobble as a result of the change in force. the magentic properties to moon once had would be gone. we would have no tides, and some of earth's magnetic properties would be messed up. a lot of night life would die and so would a lot of plants because the moon refelcts a good amount of light to the earth.

    and a note to "moon faker": i'm not a self taught scientist. i'm an astronomer with a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics from a highly acclaimed university. i graduated top of my class. i don't use science fiction books as a reference like you must have. if you consider yourself any sort of a scientist, or engineer, you would know that we landed on the moon.

  4. Nasa would not be able to fake any more moon landings.

  5. Well, for starters it would send our planet pshycho if we nuked the moon, and if that didn't kill us then the tides would most likely flood most of the earth. Then the debris would come down and kill the rest of us. But don't even worry about it, the chances of that happening are highly unlikely.

  6. You probably know that the Moon's gravity creates tides on Earth by attracting the water of the ocean. It actually creates two high tides daily, one on the side of Earth closest to the Moon, and one directly opposite. You can think about that happening because the ocean bulges outward in both directions when the Earth-Moon system spins around its balance point. If the balance point was almost at the center of the Earth, the bulge would be nearly the same all around and the tide would not vary much during the day.

    The movements of the tide have always created special environments on Earth. Many life forms have developed in these tidal pools and basins. Without tides, the kinds of plants and animals on Earth would be quite different than those we know today. So we can safely say that life forms would have been different at all times of Earth's history. If Earth didn't have such a large satellite, it wouldn't have had dinosaurs in the Mesozoic Era, and it wouldn't have people today.

    In fact, no complex life of any kind would have ever emerged. The evolution of complex life forms requires long periods of stable conditions. Without the Moon, the Earth's axis (the imaginary line through the North and South Poles) would wobble like a top that has been hit by a misbehaving child, or like a tightrope walker without a balancing pole. With the Moon, the axis wobbles a little bit but generally stays put. That keeps the seasons more or less the same for periods long enough for complex life forms to develop, adapt, and succeed.

    The Moon is good for a whole lot more than simply lighting up the night sky. If you wonder what your life would be like without it, the surprising answer is that you wouldn't be here to wonder at all!

  7. no more werewolves......poor guys....
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