
Removing weeds by burying them?

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Of all the ways I can think of to get rid of weeds to make flower/shrub beds, the one I like best is to shave off the top 2" of soil (the weeds and their roots), then dig another spade depth, and put that 2" of junk in the hole, then put the soil that was under it on top of it. The theory is that the weeds will not manage to penetrate through the 10" or so of soil and sprout up again on the bed. Has anyone tried this, and was it successful (of course, weeds will arrive on top from wherever weeds come from, but I'm hoping those that were buried give up and die).




  1. Well your on the right track. You could add the weeds to your compost pile (if you have one) however this isn't a good idea if they have gone to flower because the seeds could survive.

    Using the method you mentioned i would add a layer of mulch over the weeds and/or the surface once buried. Or you could pour boiling water over them to kill them before pulling them but be careful not to get the water on plants you aren't trying to kill.

    Another option is to add the weeds to your next bonfire. The left over ash can be used instead of lime for the lawn or garden, especially if you built the fire with wood.

  2. If the weeds are just turf grass and annual weeds which grow from seed, then this can work.  More likely, though, you've got some perennial weeds mixed in there, and 10" of soil isn't going to deter those puppies.  Some weeds can make their way back up to the light through over two feet of soil!  Worse still, if you've chopped up the roots while digging them up, you'll get a brand new weed from every piece of root you've buried, and in a year or so, you'll have an even bigger weeding problem than before.

    You need either to get those perennial weed roots out of there for good, or to put down a layer of cardboard or thick newspaper over them to keep them smothered.  Otherwise, I know from bitter experience, they'll be back.

  3. Not very effective. Instead cover them with a layer of straw.

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