
Renewable energy - why aren't we getting more help?

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With all this talk of global warming, carbon footprints and everything else, why aren't the governments making it easier for the average homeowner to install and use things like solar panels to help cut down on non-renewable energy usage?

I was in contact with a company who help people with low incomes install things like central heating and insulation. I asked if they have any plans to help people afford solar panel water heating and they looked at me as if I was mad. At the moment it costs around £2000 to install a solar panel water heating unit.

Near where I live there's a whole cul-de-sac which is fitted with solar panels, yet the entire estate which has been built around it in the last 12 months has nothing.

Why isn't the government making it mandatory for all new builds to provide at least one sourse of renewable energy?




  1. Money is better spent cutting down the amount of energy required to be used (Insulation), rather than making individual solar panels available cheaply.

    Most housing stock in this country is also relatively old and relatively poorly insulated. I'd rather have a warm house than a draughty one with solar panels on the roof.

  2. Hello Bebi,

                     Wait for it honey, it's just around the corner now, but it is a very very long corner, and when it comes it is going to cost you both arms and both legs to pay for your renewable energy.

                     Every politician, in this World, got there by telling us all lies. and will continue to do so while they are smiling at you to gain your vote that makes them very rich and us, the electorate, very poor. and then you can vote them out of office and they will go away with their very high Golden Hand shakes.

                    So it seems to me,that the present state of the nation, will remain as it is until we are all bled dry and roasted in a very overheated world. although Solar Panels are a good idea, but, they are very expensive and in an overheated world would be a real waste of real money, yours, Mine and everyone elses too...

                   Next time a politician knocks at your front door seeking your vote ask him/her what they are going to do about making a 'Free Solar Panels' set for all. In their policy making while in power, and see what answer you get, then give them your answer, but not your vote eh?

                 I do hope this made you smile, but you will got nothing from a politician, but lies, lies and more lies....Tony M

  3. The usual argument. Cost vs. payback. Remember,governments make a lot of taxes on the energy we use! ;-(=

  4. I actually believe because governments make so much money from taxing carbon based fuels

  5. The answer to this question is simple! Governments like to protect big business usually because they have some form of financial interest. I have asked my local MP on many occasions why new build property's are fitted with energy saving devices as standard, as yet he has failed to reply. This is probably because the present government is h**l bent on new killer power plants being built as the future energy supplier probably because the military needs more depleted uranium to put into its projectiles it fires on third world country's.

  6. I totally agree about legislation for all new houses to be built with solar heating panels.

    We've had 4 put on our roof and probably won't live long enough (in our 70's) to see the installation costs repaid, but it is very gratifying, even in February to hear them bubbling away and giving us all that "free" water.

    My daughter is working in the Middle East and tells me that it is mandatory there for houses to be built with solar heating panels.

    If they can do it, why can't we?

  7. The government has already taken some steps to make it easier for homeowners to install all types of micro-generation. The Low Carbon Buildings programme delivers grants of up to £2,500 for anyone who owns their own property to get technologies like solar panels installed. Check out the site below for more info.

    But it might be a bit early for the government to issue mandates. The shift to a society run on renewable energy may be slower than you might hope because market forces still dictate its accessibility. It needs pioneering companies to develop the technologies, and businesses and consumers to create the demand for them.

    The good news is that this is happening already. The speed at which new technologies are being developed is increasing by the day and some businesses, like Google and BT, are investing millions in installing on-site renewable power for their buildings. Investments like these will only serve to drive competition up, make legislation from the government more feasible and drive the cost down for consumers like us.

  8. Renewable energy is making it's way into the future.Most of your answers are correct.Government uses a lot of the oil industries money.We need this money to fund many different projects.I do agree that the growth of renewable energy is hindered by the government.

  9. For starter, because global warming caused by humans is a farce.  The government only promotes it to meet it's taxation ends.  Secondly, solar panel are not very energy efficient, but very costly.  3rd, you need sun, something the UK is lacking on a regular basis.  4th, no other energy source has the input/output energy ratio of hydrocarbons, not by a looooong shot.  5th, even solar panels use oil based products and energy to build.  6th, Damage a solar panel and who is going to pay for it to be replaced, you, the government, insurance.  You could pay 2000k, when was the last time the government gave away money, they soon wouldn't be covered under insurance, just like houses on flood plains.  Not when there is a perfectly suitable alternative...hydrocarbons.

  10. have you seen the other q&as about the enviroenmnt on this site?  while sensible right thinking people want to do soemthing about the environment, most people dont care. most people think that climate chnage is a conspiracy to make them stop driving rubbish cars.  so... it's hardly a vote winner to fund renewables.

    i just realised you quote prices in £ not in $, so yeah, why dont they do anythign about it?  why don't they stop supporting the aviation industry?  why havent they banned SUV?  why have they abandoned the fuel tax escalator? in fact, if they care about the environment why do they keep measuring the Uks success in terms of economic growth, why not measure it in happiness instead.... happiness is way more carbon neutral.

  11. If Government puts emphasis in developing and putting up solar and wind energy plants, its a virtual declaration of war against British Petroleum, against Shell, against Halliburton, against the filthy rich and powers that be that own Almighty Oil.

  12. The renewable energy people must not be bribing the right politicians to enact the laws that would benefit that industry.

  13. I'd say that the gov't in the UK is the same as here in the US, that is they are run by the oil industry. To believe that our gov'ts care about us is a serious mistake. Politicians care only for their careers. Sad but true. Write your local gov't about your concerns and see what kind of runaround you get.

  14. i think it's all just talk. pollution is probably the lowest thing on any governments agenda....not much money to be made, if fact, they would end up losing money

  15. Because until the consumers get behind the push for Renewable energy than it will not happen.  When I was living in Oklahoma, they did not even care about recycling.  Also, if something needs to be heavily subsidized by governments than it is not a good solution in the short term.

  16. The govenrment do require all new "affordable homes" (those getting Housing corporation grants) to meet Sustainabe homes level 3 (>25% more energy & water efficient than open-market) and be carbon neutral by 2012.

    but in the open market it is down to home buyers to demand decent homes from builders, and currently few people prioritise energy savings over extra garage space for their 4x4

  17. Lets see if I can help. First any co must make a profit !!!!  Fossil fuels are being recycled by the plants as quickly as possible. All of the plant material that is going into our land fills are stupid. So fossil fuels are being recycled,the fossil fuels come from plant material not dinosaurs.

  18. Actually in my area the rebates we get from government, State and Federal will more than halve the cost of solar panels.  The panels are just so expensive right now that even with the huge discount it is just too much.  For our house of 2900 sq ft. it would cost around $45,000 for the solar panels and discounts would bring it down around $20,000.  While that is a huge discount do you have an extra $20,000 laying around?

  19. frist of all theres not any money in it for the goverment and second i live in a free country and i want the right to choose and no i am not stupid and i do not think we should not be looking for renewable energy resources i just want the right to choose

  20. For conservation, central heat and air and insulation have real value.  Peoples homes are not using enough to matter.  Its propaganda, but this is good propaganda.  Business uses almost all the energy generated if people get a little scared it will eventually reach the folks who control the budgets and they will drive energy usage down.  Gas is the same way, we're not using enough to matter riding around.  I've always been curious why we're not building more railroads, ever count how many diesals you pass in one mile on the interstate.  Theres some value, not to mention give us a means and the ability to move out of the city, to visit the cities more.  It would be wonderful, imagine living about 100 miles out of town take a train the can have you there in 30 minutes, no traffic to worry about.  On weekends you could take it into town dance, have a few drinks, not worry about running over anyone, take it back be good and sober and then drive home.

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