
Renny and big brother 10???

by  |  earlier

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since renny is from new orleans, are they going to tell her about hurricane gustav or are they just going to let her find out when she leaves or wins hoh or something?




  1. As far as I remember they only told two house guest news about the outside, before they were voted out

    the first, season 2:  one of the remaining three house guest had a cousin in 9-11, so they told them about 9-11 and the missing cousin(at the time).

    The second was last year when Ryan grandfather died

    Actually, they took the second g*y guy, that season something, and he left.  Do not remember his name

    No they will not tell her know.  IF something happen, and she needs to know they will.  Otherwise they will not.  They been wrong on wear an hurricane hit before.  It could miss New Orleans an hit some where else.  That has happen before with hurricanes

  2. No they will not tell her. Even though she is from New Orleans, her contract says she will have NO OUTSIDE INFO. The only thing they will tell the houseguests is if a family member has died. So as long as no one in her family dies, she will not know about it until after she leaves the house.  

  3. i asked this same question and hour ago and i got the rudest responses. People saying they didnt like her and such, im like shes a person... its unreal! i think she should know personally. having been through it once.

  4. I bet they will tell her... in case she has any business she must at least advise others to do for her.  Maybe only she knows where certain documents and papers are that she may need.  I bet she would be scared to death about it... but better to be in CA than anywhere near New Orleans.  

    Thanks for reading!

  5. Well, if her family is affected by it, then I think that they would contact her and give her the option of leaving the house.  I think that Renny cares about her family more than $500,000.  If her family is not affected, then maybe it's better not to tell her about the hurricane so that she doesn't worry about it.  

  6. When September 11th happened there were three people left in the house and with  one being form New York they had too. That was the only time i remember Big Brother telling them news from the outdsie world. They may tell her ... I hope they would so she can do what needs to be done if anything.

  7. I read on the CBS BB forums that the show contacted her family and they're safe and didn't want them to tell her since there was nothing she could do about it.  That's not confirmed or anything, just what was floating around the bulletin boards.

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