
Rent a Car in Malaga?

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Does someone knows if it's possible to rent a car in Malaga and drive it all the way down to Tarifa and cross with it to Tangier.

Is there a rental car agency that let you take the car into tangier and bring it back after couple days.

thank you for your answers in advance.




  1. There should be no problem... You have rent-a-cars on "every other corner" in Malaga.. .

    Ask around on arrival at the airport... The Car Rental agencies have recently been transferred to right across the street from the arrival area (lower level) Or go into look for car rental information before you travel. I have friends who rented a car and drove over to Ceuta. It was a while back and I don't remember which company it was. But I'm sure that in internet you can find the companies that will cover your needs.

    Try going to (Thats Google Spain) then click on busqueda paginas de España... type Alquiler de coches Malaga...this opens a whole page of car rental services on the Costa del Sol...

    Or you can do it in Yahoo search with similar results.

    Have a good trip!

  2. I believe most rental car agencies restrict movement of their vehicles, even within Europe. I have rented from EuropeCar in Nice, and they prohibit travel into Eastern Europe (former Soviet bloc). So I would imagine they would not be amenable taking a car to a different continent.
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