My Husband just started his own Indoor/Outdoor Tile Business,. We currently Rent a 2Bedroom Condo....We have 2 kids...and they each really need there own space. We attempted to buy...but since my husband started a new business we cant get a loan becuase the banks want at least 2 years of Tax returns.
I honestly can't see myself living in a 2 bedroom for 2 more years....but I have a 7 yr old daughter who I cant move in an out of different schools renting a 3 bedroom somewhere..So here is my dilema...
Renting to Own,.... Sounds like the route for us...if we find the right house...Is this a good idea? Or bad...?
Explain exactly what it is too...if you could..
We need more space...and I need to be sure our next move is permanent, my son has one more year till kindergarten and my daughter is in 2nd grade this year and I need there next school to be the school they stay in...I dont want to move my kids around a ton.
When you rent to own do you work with a lawyer as if you were renting so it is all legal,..?