
Rental car at disney or disney transportation?

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Any and all comments are welcome. I'll be staying at CSR with small children. We are considering renting a car just to make things easier and it is not too expensive. I've heard driving to all the parks is easy and fast, but it is better to take the bus to magic kingdom. However, we are also having resort meals at the GF, Poly, and Contemporary. I don't want to waste valuable (kids sleeping) time taking the monorail back to parks and waiting for a bus so we thought we would always take taxis back to the CSR after and maybe before these. My problem is that we will have to call ahead and get a taxi that has car seats.

These are all reasons we are considering the rental. I've also heard that the magical express is much easier than car rental and baggage claim and can be quite fun. So I'm torn. any thoughts?





  1. We have always just used the Disney transportation because we find it to be faster than if we drive or use a taxi service. And like you said, it IS fun! Our kids just love it when the Disney buses pull up to the stop. Its like they know they are being wisked away to a magical land! Besides, they never ride a bus anywhere else so its a special thing for them.

  2. ok absolutely go with Disney Transportation.  I have a 2 an 4 year old and the easiest way is to use their transportation.  Leave the carseats at home and make sure you bring a stroller.  If you are not using the carseats on an airplane then you will not need them for the trip.

    When you arrive take the magical express they will handle your luggage you will not see your luggage from when you check it in at home until you are settled in your resort.  With the kids this is HUGE.  Make sure you have a change of clothes in your carry on as it takes a few hours to get your luggage in your room.  When you leave they take it at the hotel and again you won't see it until you arrive back home at the airport.  Stroller is a must preferrably with room on the bottom for you to carry drinks, change of clothes etc in the park.

    The transportation will be much easier then getting your own car.  You will not have to put the kids in and out of car seats you will hop on and off the bus and pop the stroller opened and closed.  Take advantage of other transportation such as the boats and monorail as well.  From Epcot you can take a boat to hollywood studios or from Epcot take a monorail to MK.  The only one you have to take a bus to is Animal Kingdom and downtown disney.

    As far as breakfast at POLY you will not have enough time to get back to your hotel and catch the bus you must scratch that one.  If you are leaving that morning the only place you will be comfortably fed and make the bus is in your own hotel.  There is a very slim chance you would make it back but it is not worth taking that chance and the headache it would cause especially with the little ones.  No time crunches when you have the little ones.

    So if you stick to the disney transportation especially with the kids it will be much easier and actually faster.  Not having to lug carseats is huge.

  3. I'm another vote for Disney Transport, we never rent a car,

    As far as that breakfast goes, you are cutting it way too close.  A 10 AM ADR does not necessarily mean you will be seated exactly at 10 AM, and if you are doing the character breakfast, that's at least an hour.  Even with a taxi or a private car, that's not happening (well okay, its possible depending on your resort, but not likely).

    You can shave a little time by taking the monorail to the TTTC and getting a bus to your hotel, but unless you hit the right connections....

  4. yes i think you should use the disney transportaition.

    although you said renting a car won't cost too much for your budget but think if you save that money you could always spend it for more souveniers and spoil your kids.LOL.

    plus its soo nice not having to get in a car figure out which way to drive to get to the park you want then try to find a parking spot that isn't super far away.

    i think waiting for a bus wouldn't make your kids as cranky as if they had to walk all the way to the car. they could sit on the ground if you let them. and then hopefully get a seat on the bus if not they will need to stand but at least it doesn't take long to get back to the hotel plus that way you are assured they won't fall asleep and become super nasty when you need to wake them up to get from the car to the hotel room.

    i've done both ways with my sister and my niece and let me tell you i much rather take the bus anyday then have to deal with the issues that arise when you wake "sleeping beauty".

    and don't do the taxi thing.

    you'd have to call ahead of time like you said and then have the hassel of finding a taxi with car seats and what if they send you the wrong taxi. plus what if they are late.

    take the monorail and the bus back to the hotel.

    the kids will love the monorail and the bus comes every 20 minutes and multiple buses are ready later at night cuz they know there wil be alot of people wanting to get to their hotel as quickly as possible.

    its a great feeling when you see your bus is gonna be too full then what is that but another bus pulling up right next to the full bus and you have a huge weight lifted off your shoulders cuz you know i'm getting on that bus.

    like i said buses run every 20 minutes so that is the longest time you would ever have to wait and its usually not that long unless of course you see a bus pulling out as you are only a few feet away.

    and you should really see about making reservations for somewhere else earlier in the morning cuz as much as you'd like to go to poly for breakfast 10am is not going to leave you enough time to get back by 11:40am.

    it takes at least and hour to eat but usually about 1 hour 15 minutes i know i've done that breakfast 5 times. once we made it out in an hour. a couple times 1 hour 15 minutes a couple times 1 hour 30 minutes.

    so say it took you just an hour that would be cutting it close cuz you then have to make it to the monorail, to the ticket and transportation center then on a bus and to the hotel. the that time of day there won't be multiple buses going to your hotel at the same time. so if you just miss one there goes another 20 minutes. and while they will help you get on another ME they won't be very happy with you cuz they are strict as to how many people they can take on the bus. cuz there are only so many seats.

    they like to have a seat for each person including children cuz you aren't allowed to have children sitting on your lap. and one time a couple of people came on our bus when they were supposed to be on the next bus and so there weren't enough seats and the driver said who ever is supposed to be on the next bus can you please get off and it will be here in about 15 minutes. well no one got up so the guy said he'd have to call two people at random and have them stay behind. and everyone get quite upset but still the people that weren't supposed to be on didn't speak up. then a man said well if we can hold our 2 children on our laps then there would be enough and since the bus driver was sick of the whole thing he allowed it. but they will not be happy if they have to try to find you seats on a bus that already has a certain amount on it.

    so i'd suggest skip the breakfast if you can't change the reservation time before you go. and just reserve your breakfast at an earlier time at a different restuarant.

    hope i've helped.  

  5. Disney transport will work.

    Monorail is only 2 stops to Poly from there.

    You are not likely to find a driver with a car seat.

    Doubt one would show up for a short run.

    Disney transport is safe.

    Might want to bring a stroller with you.

  6. Disney Transportation. You will be waiting forever for taxis which will be quite expensive. Poly is really good for breakfast and really with if the kids like stitch, lilo and all them they will all come around

  7. If you are staying at a resort on Disney, I would not rent a car at all.  I was just there in May and Disney Transportation was the best thing ever.  It does take more time, but to me, that's all part of the experience.  Save your money for dinner.  Again, I will repeat, if you MUST have a time saver, do not use Disney Transportation.  But, if you are just going to relax, and have a good time, and to experience Disney, use their transportation.  The Magical Express handling your baggage is also a great experience.  

  8. Disney transportation.......if you can..........

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