
Rental house window conditions?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to rent a house with aluminum windows with storm windows on the outside. They are older windows and most of the inside windows do not have a locking mechanism or broke off. They are in good condition, just no locks. Is this the landlords job to have this done before I move in? It doesn't seem like something I should have to do. Are the storm windows that you have to turn the s***w to tighten the lock sufficient for security from the outside?




  1. IN purchases and rentals, we have a walk through.  YOU are finding

    things that bother you.  YOU have two choices; require that everything

    in the house be in good working order prior to your signing or

    wait for the owner to repair later.........and later rarely comes which means

    you will have to wait and wit and then pay and deduct same from the

    rent.  DO NOT accept a house in as is condition.  

  2. These are concerns you need to address with the owner or landlord.  Sometimes people will make improvements upon suggestions, especially if they know they are getting a long term tenant with great credit. So ask them.  Otherwise you are the one renting, you are the one to decide which place is right for you.  If this one doesnt fit with the windows as is, then look someplace else where you are satisfied.  

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